We've been working in Yemen since 2012, and we continue to deliver nutrition support to children in camps and remote, hard-to-reach areas—even in the midst of the ongoing conflict and COVID-19 pandemic.
Every week, our health teams on the ground provide nutritious, therapeutic foods like Plumpy'Nut to children, as well as cash transfers and vouchers for food to 5,000 families. At the same time, we're following heightened COVID-19 safety measures and ensuring families have the hygiene supplies and information they need to protect themselves from the disease.
John, so many children are fighting for their lives, and it's up to us to make sure the world wakes up and acts. Please take a few moments to read, share, and spread awareness on malnutrition. »
Thank you for your prompt action to put a spotlight on this critical work.
Emily Martin
Director, USA Digital Fundraising
International Rescue Committee