![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, The ultimate fate of our ongoing battle to audit and then END the Federal Reserve System could very well be decided by what happens over the coming weeks. With the November elections on the horizon and BOTH parties pretending there's a difference in the lengths they’ll go to RAM through yet another FEDERAL RESERVE-FUELED CORONA-Y-ISM spending bill, time is running out for you and me to expose the destruction the Federal Reserve system has wrought before it's too late for America. . . Before every last shred of American wealth is wiped out. . . . Before society rips itself completely apart over distractions the global elites have cooked up to paper over the greatest plunder of wealth in history. That's where all this is headed if good folks like you and me fail to do all we can to turn up the heat on Congress and force my Audit the Fed bill onto the congressional calendar. So I'm counting on your help, Fellow Patriot. Can I count on it? Or have Americans given up, content to slide into total authoritarianism and corruption? Campaign for Liberty is prepared to pull out all the stops to ensure that doesn't happen, but we can’t do it without your action today and an immediate influx of funds. But before you just move on to the next email in your inbox, please understand what’s at stake. Right now, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters, more Americans than ever understand the destructive influence the Federal Reserve has on our economy. But that hasn’t stopped the Fed’s reckless print-now, ask-questions-later policies. In fact, their actions since the 2008 financial crisis have only set us up for an even bigger crash that I predict is just around the corner. With the national debt over $26 TRILLION, Congress’ out-of-control spending, and the Fed’s inflation of yet another Wall Street bubble, every shred of American wealth is threatened. That’s why it’s vital the American people finally learn the truth about the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. I believe if we act now, you and I can force this issue front-and-center and show Congress they'll be in for a rude awakening this November if they fail to take serious action to open the books and bring the Fed's madness to a halt. Make no mistake. . . The Fed’s bankster and Wall Street pals -- who line their pockets looting American wealth -- live in terror of their allies in Congress, just weeks away from facing angry voters, realizing their days of sweeping the Audit the Fed issue under the rug are numbered. But unless we act quickly, the Federal Reserve’s apologists in Congress won't lift a finger as the Fed's reckless policies totally destroy the American way of life. You and I simply can’t let that happen. If you’ve already signed your petition, THANK YOU so much for taking the first step! But I must ask that you consider going a step further. So please, after you’ve signed your Audit the Fed petition, won’t you consider making a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100 -- or even just $50, $25, or $10 right away to help Campaign for Liberty go all-out for Audit the Fed? Already, Campaign for Liberty staff are working feverishly to put all the pieces in place to launch a massive push to force this issue front and center, which includes everything from national emails and U.S. Mail to targeted Internet ads, if the funds are available. A similar effort might cost another organization hundreds of thousands -- or even MILLIONS -- to execute. But with Campaign for Liberty’s network of “boots on the ground,” this program should cost only a fraction of that. The only bad news is, after our fights to stop SHAM FISA Reform, and force expiration of the worst parts of the so-called "USA Freedom Act" (for now) earlier this year -- along with the standing up to the sustained assault on liberty we've witnessed amid the coronavirus hysteria -- Campaign for Liberty’s resources have taken a hit. That’s why I’m counting on you to make your most generous contribution right away! Every dollar you give will help Campaign for Liberty get closer to finally passing Audit the Fed. But of course, if $500, $250, or $100 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $50, $25, or even just $10? Thanks to the support of good folks like you, we have made giant strides in our fight to Audit the Fed since 2009. The action and generosity of Campaign for Liberty’s dedicated members and supporters put this issue on the political map just a few years ago. Now it’s up to you and me to finish the job. If you agree, please click here to make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, or even just $10 right away. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a
constitutional foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty.