Sherrod: "Trump Sold People Phony Populism ... Then He Betrayed Them"
Sen. Sherrod Brown led a roundtable discussion today on the need for Vice President Joe Biden's newly announced economic recovery plan.

Brown was joined by Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga, United Steelworkers Local 979 President Dan Boone and Mahoning-Trumbull AFL-CIO Labor Council Sergeant at Arms Jaladah Aslam, who reinforced how Biden's plan for will bolster working families, create jobs, raise wages and help America Build Back Better.

Brown contrasted Biden's plan with Donald Trump's betrayal of Ohio workers: "Trump sold people phony populism to make them think he was on their side, then he betrayed them. Go no further than the Mahoning Valley. He told workers, 'Don't sell your homes, these jobs will be back,' and they weren't. He did nothing."
