From Chairman James Dickey <[email protected]>
Subject Chairman Dickey’s Monthly Update
Date July 10, 2020 10:00 PM
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June 2020

Update from Chairman Dickey, June 2020

Dear Fellow Texas Republican,

I hope this update finds you and yours healthy and safe. It was another busy
month for the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) as we held local Conventions
across the state and prepared for our State Convention. The RPT continues to
work diligently while also navigating the uncharted waters due to the
Coronavirus pandemic. 

In June, Senate District and County Conventions were held across the state. I
had the opportunity to attend several conventions across the state. Thank you
to our County Chairs and Temporary Convention Chairs for their hard work in
executing these conventions while ensuring delegates safety. 

RPT staff and the Committee on Arrangements has been working tirelessly to
prepare for our in-person State Convention in Houston from July 16th-18th. In
June, we held several State Convention Update Town Halls to provide updates and
answer questions. If you missed the Town Hall, visit ourYouTube channel <> to
watch the updates. 

I also had the pleasure of hosting zoom interviews with several of our
Republican nominees. It was great to learn more about what has motivated them
to run for office. If you missed the interviews, watch them here!

* Bethany Hatch <[link removed]>
* Marian Knowlton <[link removed]>
* Fabian Cordova Vasquez <[link removed]>
* Frank Pomeroy <[link removed]>
* Sandra Whitten
<[link removed]>

Vice President Mike Pence and Dr. Ben Carson visited the First Baptist Church
Dallas for the Celebrate Faith and Freedom event.

This past month we also announced that we have successfully achieved our goal
of registering 100,000 new Republican voters. By achieving the goal of
registering 100,000 new Republican voters, the Republican Party of Texas is one
huge step closer to electing Republicans from the White House to court houses
all across Texas in November 2020! We are excited to have met our goal, but we
still need YOUR help to continue to build toward victory in November! We have
set a new goal of registering a total of 120,000 Republican voters.Join the
RPT’s Volunteer Engagement Project to help us keep Texas RED!
<[link removed]>

The RPT continues to publish our weekly podcast, Let’s Talk Texas. If you’ve
missed an episode, listen to them below on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get
your podcasts. Listen below!


Episode 20 - RPT State Convention in the Age of Coronavirus
<[link removed]>

Episode 19 - That’s a Wrap... Almost
<[link removed]>

Episode 18 - Is Austin an Autonomous Zone?
<[link removed]>

Episode 17 - The Road to State Convention Continues
<[link removed]>


Episode 20 - RPT State Convention in the Age of Coronavirus
<[link removed]>

Episode 19 - That’s a Wrap... Almost
<[link removed]>

Episode 18 - Is Austin an Autonomous Zone?
<[link removed]>

Episode 17 - The Road to State Convention Continues
<[link removed]>

News Articles:

* 06.01
* The Texas Tribune
<[link removed]>
* Newsmax
<[link removed]>
<[link removed]>
* 06.02
* Newsweek
<[link removed]>
* 06.03
* Austin American-Statesman
<[link removed]>
* El Paso Times
<[link removed]>
* 06.04
<[link removed]>
* Associated Press <[link removed]>
* 06.05
* The Hill
<[link removed]>
* 06.06
* Texas Public Radio
<[link removed]>
* BizPac Review
<[link removed]>
<[link removed]>
* 06.08
* CultureMap Austin
<[link removed]>
* KABB Fox San Antonio
<[link removed]>
* 06.10
* KTRH NewsRadio 740
<[link removed]>
* 06.12
* The Dallas Morning News
<[link removed]>
<[link removed]>
* 06.15
* Politico
<[link removed]>
* 06.17
* The Texas Tribune
<[link removed]>
* 06.18
* Standard-Times
<[link removed]>
* USA Today
<[link removed]>
* North Texas e-News
<[link removed]>
* 06.19
* The Texas Tribune
<[link removed]>
* 06.20
* Houston Chronicle
<[link removed]>
* 06.22
* Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
<[link removed]>
* 06.24
* Harvey Kronberg’s The Quorum Report
<[link removed]>
* Caller-Times
<[link removed]>
* 06.25
* Before it’s News
<[link removed]>
* Washington Examiner
<[link removed]>
* 06.27
* The Texas Tribune
<[link removed]>
* 06.29
* Texas Scorecard
<[link removed]>
* 06.30
* Austin American-Statesman
<[link removed]>
* Harvey Kronberg’s The Quorum Report
<[link removed]>
Press Releases:

* Republican Party of Texas Chairman James Dickey calls for the immediate
resignation of Bexar County Republican Party Chair Cynthia Brehm
<[link removed]>
* RPT Chairman James Dickey Calls for Chair Resignations Over Racially
Charged Social Media Posts
<[link removed]>
* RPT Chairman James Dickey Recaps the Texas Democrats Virtual Convention
<[link removed]>
* RPT Chairman James Dickey Remarks on Democrat U.S. Senate Candidate Debate
<[link removed]>

Our field staff is working tirelessly to hit our milestones as we continue to
work towards victory in November. To help us keep Texas red, please text VEP to
72000 now, and we will get you plugged in with our Volunteer Engagement

Also, if you want to be in the loop on news about your Texas Republican Party
and elected officials, text TXNEWS to 72000 and you’ll get a weekday morning
email with the latest stories that mention the Republican Party of Texas, our
Texas and U.S. House and Senate members, plus our state elected officials.

The stakes could not be higher this year, but we have proven that our plan is
working. And as long as everyone does their part, we will continue to win in
Texas and leave an even brighter future than the one we inherited. We are not
tired of winning yet!


James Dickey
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

P.S. If you received this monthly update email as a forward, be sure to sign
up here to receive your own!
<[link removed]>

P.P.S. Donate today to help us on the road to 2020 so we can protect Texas’ 38
electoral votes and win the White House again!
Donate Now!  <[link removed]>





Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee. <[link removed]>

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