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Dear John,

This week, the Supreme Court issued a devastating blow to the Affordable Care Act when it ruled that all private employers may opt-out of covering contraceptives for their employees due to religious or moral objections. SCOTUS also handed down a ruling allowing religious schools to expand their "ministerial exemption" clause that allows them to circumvent anti-discrimination laws to all employees of their institution, allowing them to discriminate against an employee for almost any reason they see fit.

The Supreme Court also delivered a win for the Indigenous people of Oklahoma by ruling that 19 million acres of land belong to the Indigenous community there, and that crimes committed on that land cannot be prosecuted by federal authorities. In a decisive victory for the Sioux people, a judge ruled that the Dakota Access Pipeline must be emptied until a final decision is made about the Pipeline's future. 

In a cruel and senseless move, The Trump administration announced this week that the federal government will withhold federal funding from public schools that do not open in the fall, but since most funding for schools is provided by state and local governments it remains to be seen how enforceable that threat is. In an attempt to further the administration's harsh anti-immigration policies, ICE also announced that all international college and university students must take an in-person class in order to remain in U.S., which jeopardizes the future of thousands of both students and universities. 


Supreme Court Upholds Religious and Moral Exemptions for ACA Birth Control Coverage

In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court upheld a Trump Administration rule which expands the types of organizations that can claim religious or moral exemptions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The rule allows these organizations to refuse to cover birth control under their health insurance plans. 


Supreme Court Exempts Religious Schools From Anti-Discrimination Laws

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that anti-discrimination employment laws do not protect employees at religious institutions, even if they do not primarily serve a ministerial purpose.


Supreme Court Protects Native American Reservation in Oklahoma

In a win for tribal rights, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision Thursday that a large part of Eastern Oklahoma is considered tribal land, meaning crimes committed by Native Americans can only be prosecuted by federal authorities.


Court Rules to Empty Dakota Access Pipeline

A court ruled this week that the Dakota Access Pipeline must be emptied by Aug. 5. This decision comes after years of protesting by members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.


Trump Threatens to Cut Funding for Schools Unwilling or Unable to Reopen

As the United States faces a surge in reported COVID-19 cases, schools have recently been faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to reopen as the fall approaches. In spite of the dangers associated with welcoming students back to school this fall, President Trump and Betsy DeVos threatened to cut funding to schools that do not fully reopen.


ICE Says International Students Must Take In-Person Class to Stay in U.S.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced a rule Monday that prohibits international students from staying in the U.S. on their student visas if their college opts to hold courses entirely online.

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