Dear Members and Friends,
Please join us for an online discussion on "Implementing the American SHIELD."
Speakers include:
Major General Kevin Huyck
Director for Operations
U.S. Northern Command
Major General Sean Gainey
Director for Fires
Department of the Army
Major General Charles Corcoran
U.S. Air Force Warfare Center
Brigadier General Pete Fesler
Deputy Director for Operations
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Mr. Stan Stafira
Chief Architect
Missile Defense Agency
Mr. Riki Ellison
Chairman and Founder
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The event will take place on
Thursday, July 16, 2020 from
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT) on
MDAA's YouTube channel. Questions that may be asked during the live event can be submitted through the RSVP form or emailed to
[email protected].