
I just spoke with my Finance Director, Cayla, and she let me know that we’ve done really well this month, but are just 6 days away from August 31st and still need to raise $5,072 to reach our goal.

Our team is out on the doors every weekend with volunteers working incredibly hard to reach as many voters in Manchester that we can, but we can only continue to do this with your help! We’ve accomplished so much together since I took office in 2018, but our work is not done yet. I hope you’ll help me cross the finish line once again.

I’m personally reaching out today because we are short in meeting our monthly fundraising goal for August, and with only 6 days left, I hope you will contribute whatever you can today. I believe I have the best supporters, and that’s why I know beating our goal with your help is doable! Chip in $25, $35, or whatever you can today.

Thank you so much,
