Invest in Our Recovery! Join Raise Up Massachusetts for a regional launch
To fight COVID-19, relieve the economic damage it is causing for workers, families, and businesses, and tackle racial inequalities, we need a government response that rises to the needs of our communities, which are greater than ever. As Massachusetts responds to the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant state revenue shortfall, we must not default to severe budget cuts that would only worsen the effects of this downturn, impair our economy’s recovery, and further harm the people and communities who are already disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially people of color, immigrants, and low-income communities.
The Invest in Our Recovery campaign, led by the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition, is launching this call to action all across the commonwealth. Join Raise Up Massachusetts at one of the following launch events:
Wednesday, July 15 at Noon
Wednesday, July 15 at 6 p.m.
- Thursday, July 16 at Noon