What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Court rulings, Brazil, Upcoming Webinars

Dear John,

This Week @CPUSA: A federal court rules in favor of Native Americans and the environment, the growing unemployment crisis, and more. 

The progressive forces in Brazil are rethinking their tactics in reaction to three crises: pandemic, economic insecurity, and the growing fascist danger. Read the Communist Party of Brazil's views in Crises and Deadlocks and New Times Demand New Tactics.

This reviewer recommends
Rebel Cinderella, Adam Hochschild's book about Rose Pastor Stokes, a co-founder of the Party who married into wealth but never abandoned the working class.

Frederick Douglass gave a poignant and biting Fourth of July speech 168 years ago. Read about this great abolitionist and hear his words through the voices of his young descendants.

The art and life of Frida Kahlo, born July 6, 1907, are recalled here. Happy Birthday, Comrade!

On July 14, historian Dr. Gerald Horne will discuss the role of African Americans and the CPUSA in the struggles for civil rights. Click here for more details and to register. 

July 18: Some of our coalition partners are sponsoring a teleconference on 21st-Century Imperialism: Theory and Practice. Register here.

July 26: The next Marxist class will feature a discussion of imperialism today, including the sovereignty of nations, the global working class, building the anti-imperialist and peace movements, and more. Join us! 

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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