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The Dan Bongino Show
July 10, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
ep 1295

In this episode, I address the eye-opening comments from a doctor behind the scenes of the coronavirus fight in Texas. I also address the explosive release of new Joe Biden audio which exposes his role in the Ukraine scandal.

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CDC Director: Keeping Schools Closed Is Greater Public Health Risk Than Reopening

Given what we know about the coronavirus now, reopening schools in the fall should be something of a no brainer. As of July 1st, of 112,226 confirmed coronavirus deaths, only 171 people age 24 or younger had died from it, or 0.15% of the total. More people over the age of 100 have died from the coronavirus than 24 and under in the U.S.


DOJ Charges Researcher With Illegally Using U.S. Grant Funds to Develop Scientific Expertise for China

The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a statement Thursday saying that a “rheumatology professor and researcher with strong ties to China has been ordered held without bond,” on charges of grant fraud for not disclosing that he was involved in a scheme to use National Institute of Health (NIH) grants ...



The Bongino Report

New York City Starts Painting Black Lives Matter Mural Outside Trump Tower

On Thursday, New York City began painting a Black Lives Matter mural along Fifth Avenue, outside Trump Tower. Uber-Leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio took part in the event.

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