From Pro Life Campaign <[email protected]>
Subject LAST CHANCE to register for tomorrow's Webinar with Congressman Chris Smith and others, NEW video from Students For Life and more ! 👣
Date July 10, 2020 6:19 PM
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10th July 2020
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** In this week's issue:

READ: (#NumbersMOH) Maeve O'Hanlon writes... The Results of Repeal are in…. Does our government know or care? (#NumbersMOH)

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER: (#Chris) Webinar with Congressman Chris Smith,Deputy Carol Nolan, Senator Rónán Mullen, Wendy Grace and others TOMORROW, Saturday 11th July (#Chris)

WATCH: (#SFL) Students For Life latest 'Outlook' Video (#SFL)

JOIN UP: (#lb) Still time to join up to the LoveBoth Summer Fundraising Challenge (#lb)

SIGN UP: (#virtualintern) (#virtualintern) Virtual Intern Programme for TY students and older (#virtualintern)
The Results of Repeal are in…. Does our government know or care? by Maeve O' Hanlon ()

Over the past few weeks, many of us in the pro-life movement were bracing ourselves for the release of the first annual report on the abortions that took place in Ireland in 2019. We were not only bracing ourselves to learn of the total number of lives lost to abortion, but also for the likely tsunami of pro-choice and pro-abortion rhetoric we imagined would follow it.

We braced ourselves for hearing euphemisms like “choice” and “progress” strewn across the airwaves ad nauseam before the topic of abortion would be packed neatly away, back in its tightly sealed media box, until the next opportunity arose to make the case for relaxing the time limits even further, exclusion zones, or removing the 3 day waiting period.

In the end, the incredibly brief 5 page report was quietly published to the Department of Health website, with none of the fanfare we all remember from Dublin Castle, 2 years ago.

The Results of Repeal were in and they made for grim reading.

Soon, we learned that 6,666 abortions were performed by the Irish state in 2019 and that over 98% of those terminations were fully elective, for unspecified reasons in early pregnancy (< 12 wks). 6,666 unique and irreplaceable tiny human lives lost to choice. 6,666 mothers and 6,666 fathers left behind to come to terms with the consequences of those choices made.

The report itself was eye-wateringly sparse but it was clear that these figures reflected an enormous increase on the 2,879 women who travelled to Britain for an abortion in 2018.

Perhaps it was this realisation that the numbers did not decline after Repeal, as some ardent pro-choice campaigners had predicted. Perhaps it was just the reality of the cold hard truth that maybe the 8^th amendment had saved lives after all.

Whatever it was, it was enough to silence most of those who had previously been so vocal.

There were no socially distanced press conferences to present the figures, to acknowledge the lives lost and to field questions on whether the numbers were in line with expectations, or whether they are expected to rise or fall in 2020 and beyond.

There were no comments from the former or current Taoiseach or Minister for Health. Leo, Mícheál, Simon and Stephen were nowhere to be seen.

With a few notable exceptions, beyond brief inclusion in factual news reports and articles, there was hardly even an interview, or a call in discussion to be heard or seen across the country’s media.

And with that deafening silence, the message was clear….. “Nothing to see here.”

You can read this article in full on our website here ([link removed])

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This week Students For Life broadcast Episode 5 of 'The Outlook' video series. Luke Silke interviewed Maria Oswalt of Rehumanize International ([link removed]) and heard about the work of the organisaiton and how their Consistent Life Ethic reaches out to a wide range of supporters. You can listen to the short interview by clicking above.

#studentsforlife ([link removed]) #theoutlook ([link removed]) #lifeisbeautiful
([link removed]) #prolifegeneration

LAST CHANCE to register for PLC Network Webinar TOMORROW. Have you registered yet? ()
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LAST CHANCE to register here ([link removed] ) for the webinar with Congressman Chris Smith, Deputy Carol Nolan and Senator Rónán Mullen TOMORROW!

We are thrilled that we will be joined by politicians who strongly advocate for the human rights of unborn children and support of their mothers. We will also be joined by grassroots pro-life activists and panellists.

This not to be missed webinar will delve into how together we can effect real change on the pro-life issue through political engagement.

The event is FREE but pre-registration is essential and places are limited. Y
ou can register instantly here ([link removed] )
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There's still time to SIGN UP or SPONSOR the LoveBoth 5k Challenge. ()
We are thrilled with the number of people who have already registered to complete a 5K run or walk to raise much needed funds for support services for women in unplanned pregnancy and new mothers. There's so much interest that we are extending the initiative for July!

If you have already registered to take part, please share it on social media and nominate five others to join you. If you haven't signed up, why not do so today? All you need to do is commit to doing a 5k walk or run.
You can register here ([link removed])

Once you register, you will get an invitation to join the online 'Team' and we will send you out your official LoveBoth fundraising pack. They you can get on the road like some of our many volunteers below!

How else can you support the cause?

Whether you are doing the challenge or not you can donate to this this fundraiser here ([link removed])

Are you a secondary school (TY or older) or third level student? Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning? We are seeking ‘virtual’ interns to work part-time from home at this time. Internships run for one week periods throughout the Summer.

here ([link removed]) to find out more and apply instantly!
[link removed]
Follow us on social media!

Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events. If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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