Islamists have figured out how to use Leftist media for their agenda
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'Burkini Resistance' -- the New Leftist Sham ([link removed]) Islamists have long figured out how to use the Leftist media to push their agenda Read and Share ([link removed])
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Al Jazeera Vs Clarion -- Round 1 ([link removed]) Qatar's puppet tweets out vile anti-Semitic conspiracy theories Read ([link removed])
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Islamists and Neo-Nazis Are Not Opposites - On the Contrary ([link removed]) Understanding their similarities helps fight them Read ([link removed])
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Why Extremism Isn’t About Economics ([link removed]) Why this theory needs to be debunked Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
First-Hand Report: Why is the World Ignoring This Genocide? ([link removed])
“My prayers.”
- A.M.
Don’t Be Thrown by the Left Wing-Islamist Alliance ([link removed])
“ Not bizarre at all. Both want to destroy the America we know.”
- W.L.
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