From USCCB/MRS/JFI <[email protected]>
Subject JFI Week in Review 7/6/20 - 7/10/20
Date July 10, 2020 4:40 PM
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JFI Week in Review 7/6/20 - 7/10/20

Justice for Immigrants Colleagues,
Please see below for the latest updates from JFI.
Sección en español de la Semana en Revisión
Oraciones de Dias Festivos Para la Integración de Inmigrantes
¿Esta buscando maneras para incorporar la integración de inmigrantes en celebraciones
basadas en la iglesia? Encuentre inspiración por nuestros ejemplos reales de la
vida parrioquias atraves del trabajo con las comunidades locales. Nosotros le invitamos
a imprimir nuestras folletos de oraciones festivas [[link removed]]
en ingles y español las oraciones de integración de los inmigrantes, cuales contienen
las oraciones de Pascuas, día de la Madre, el día del Padre, el día de Acción de
Gracias y de las Navidades.
¿Tiene actualizaciones o recursos en español que desea compartir? Favor de enviarlos
a Sarah Hoff [mailto:[email protected]] y nosotros los promovemos.
Immigration-Related Developments on COVID-19 Legislation
On June 25, 2020, Senators Marco Rubio and Thom Tillis introduced The American Citizen
Coronavirus Relief Act [[link removed]],
which would amend the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
to ensure that U.S. citizens married to non-citizens be eligible to receive federal
coronavirus stimulus funding.
On July 1st, Bishop Mario Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington and chairman
of the USCCB's Committee on Migration, sent a letter [[link removed]]
supporting the American Citizen Coronavirus Act as a "step in the right direction,"
but also urged the Senate to go further to ensure that all U.S. citizen children
be eligible for the funding.
The Senate is expected to work on and be ready to review the next package of COVID-19
assistance measures when they return to Washington, DC, on July 20th. Please review
our USCCB Migration-Related Requests for COVID-19 Package 4 [[link removed]]
backgrounder to learn about our priorities, and stay tuned for any updates from
Catholic and Evangelical Leaders Send Letter Regarding Resettlement Needed for Refugees
Including Those Fleeing Religious Persecution
Catholic and Evangelical leaders recently sent a letter [[link removed]]
to the Trump Administration urging resettlement for refugees, including those suffering
from religious persecution. The letter was signed by Catholic Bishops from the USCCB
Committees on International Justice and Peace, Migration and Religious Liberty,
as well as Bethany Christian Services, Catholic Charities USA, Center for Migration
Studies, The Episcopal Church, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern
Baptist Convention, International Catholic Migration Commission, Jesuit Refugee
Services, National Association of Evangelicals and World Relief. It makes recommendations
to continue and further efforts to combat religious persecution with greater commitment
to refugees resettled in the United States.
See our backgrounder on Religious Minorities [[link removed]]
and also please feel free to use our meme [[link removed]]
on the issue in social media.
DACA and Dreamer Update
On July 1st, Senator Dick Durbin went to the Senate floor to ask for unanimous consent
for HR 6 [[link removed]],
the American Dream and Promise Act. The bill, passed a year ago in the House of
Representatives, would give Dreamers and TPS holders on a path to citizenship. Unanimous
consent was unfortunately not approved.
President Trump has stated [[link removed]]
he intends to again attempt to end the DACA program. As we wait for another attempt
by the Trump Administration to end DACA, we ask that you continue to advocate that
the Senate: (1) include a short-term protection for DACA recipients in the next
COVID-19 relief package and (2) pass a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers
that gives a path to citizenship. Please ask your advocacy networks to send the
JFI action alert to encourage Senators to co-sponsor and support S. 874, the DREAM
Act, and asking Senators to introduce and co-sponsor a companion bill to H.R. 6,
the American Dream and Promise Act. Please send the action alert [[link removed]]
DHS Forces International Students to Leave U.S. If Their Schools Move to Online-Only
On July 6th, the Trump Administration announced [[link removed]]
that it will bar international college students from staying in the U.S. if their
school's coursework moves entirely online due to COVID-19. This decision applies
not only to individuals planning to enter the United States on F-1 or M-1 visas
for academic and vocational coursework, but also to those currently residing in
the U.S. According to ICE, F-1 and M-1 visa holders who cannot transfer to schools
with some in-person learning may be subject to deportation. International students
-who pay two-thirds of their college costs with money from outside the United States-
contributed $39 billion to the U.S. economy in the 2017-2018 academic year and supported
more than 455,000 American jobs. The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
issued the following statement [[link removed]].
CLINIC Asylum Regulation Template - Please Submit Comments by July 15th
On June 15th, the Trump administration proposed [[link removed]]
a rule that would dramatically limit the ability of asylum seekers to access protection
in the United States. CLINIC urges you to take action today with #Comments4Asylum
interfaith toolkit [[link removed]].
The toolkit contains a "click-to-comment" campaign for individuals to oppose the
asylum changes. Comments are due on July 15th.
Please check [[link removed]]
for USCCB/MRS's comment soon!
Appropriations Update
This past week, the House did initial subcommittee mark ups of State, Foreign Operations
and Related Programs (SFOPS); Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS);
Homeland Security (DHS); and Commerce Justice Science (CJS) accounts for Fiscal
Year (FY) 2021 appropriations bills. Please see a summary [[link removed]]
of their proposed funding levels for immigration and refugee related accounts.
Stay tuned as we will provide further updates, as they become available
Resettlement and Asylum Advocacy After COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities Webinar
- July 15, 2020 at 2 PM Eastern
The current COVID-19 crisis has brought changes in policy and operations impacting
refugee and asylum seekers and those who serve them. This Catholic Charities USA-sponsored
webinar takes stock of the impact of COVID-19 on refugees and asylum-seeking individuals
and families, service agencies and how the impacted individual, families and agencies
have responded. It will also discuss a restoration of the U.S. resettlement and
asylum programs consistent with Catholic Social Teaching. Kelly Agnew-Barajas, Resettlement
Director, Catholic Charities, New York City, and Matthew Wilch, Refugee Policy Advisor,
USCCB/MRS will present on the webinar. Advance registration [[link removed]]
is requested.
World Day Against Trafficking Webinar - July 30th at 1PM Eastern
July 30th is the World Day Against Human Trafficking. Please learn more about the
World Day Against Trafficking from our webinar on July 30, 2020 at 1 PM Eastern.
See flyer below:
New CLINIC Resource: Holiday Prayers for Immigrant Integration
CLINIC recently published a prayer book of integration-related prayers for those
that work on integration and naturalization. The prayer book is available on CLINIC's
website [[link removed]].
New Catholic Health Association (CHA) Resource
CHA's Pastoral Care Advisory Committee has developed guidelines for the provision
of sacraments in a health care setting with attention to public health concerns
in light of COVID-19 with review, questions for clarification by infection control
specialists, the USCCB Episcopal Liaison to the NACC, and the USCCB Office of Worship.
The guidelines are on CHA's website [[link removed]].
Also, visit CHA's Coronavirus resource page [[link removed]]
for updated information on Catholic Health Association's response to the pandemic.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities

* Centreville (VA) Immigration Forum Food Drive for - July 11, 2020 at Noon - 2
PM Eastern - This event is to provide food to help alleviate the financial struggles
that people are experiencing. We are collecting non-perishable food every other
weekend through August to immediately distribute to people we serve. Please sign
up [[link removed]]
to bring non-perishable food items to our location at 5944 Centreville Crest Lane,
Centreville, VA this Saturday.
* Pax Christi USA Webinar: Discipleship in a Time of Radical Change - July 23, 2020
at 7 PM Eastern - In this webinar, Johnny Zokovitch, Executive Director of Pax Christi
USA, will explore how we follow Jesus in a moment when the call is for deep, difficult,
radical change. The murder of George Floyd and the protests in response, as well
as how the pandemic and the policies of the current administration have highlighted
the deep-rooted disparities in racial inequity in the U.S. Register here [[link removed]]
for this free webinar.
* Book Launch with Author Annie Fukushima, Migrant Crossings: Witnessing Human Trafficking
in the U.S. - July 26, 2020 at 6 PM Eastern -Migrant Crossings examines the experiences
of migrants trafficked in the U.S. into informal economies and service industries.
Through analysis of court records, press releases, law enforcement campaigns, and
film representations, Annie Fukushima questions how we understand victimhood, criminality,
citizenship, and legality. This is a free event [[link removed]].
* New American Economy and Welcoming America Call for Proposals: Gateways for Growth
Challenge - The Gateways for Growth Challenge [[link removed]]
is accepting applications in the development and implementation of community-wide
strategic plans for welcoming and integrating New Americans. Selected proposals
will receive on-the-ground, direct technical assistance to support the development
of a strategic plan for immigrant integration. Join an informational webinar [[link removed]]on
July 27th to learn more; applications due September 30, 2020.
* Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns' 2020 U.S. Election Briefs: U.S. Immigration
Policy - August 18, 2020 at 12:30 PM Eastern - Maryknoll is operating a series to
help voters prepare for the 2020 U.S. elections. Consider participating in this
webinar [[link removed]]
to learn Maryknoll's positions on issues that advance the cause of peace and social
* RecruitingVolunteers: Serve Your Community with Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps (JVEs)
- The Jesuit Volunteer Corps NW facilitates opportunities for service and spiritual
formation for adults 50 and older who are committed to social and ecological justice.
Now offering new ways to serve from home during this time of increased need for
those who live on the margins. Application deadline is August 31, 2020. Visit
[[link removed]]
to learn more.
In Solidarity,
Tony Cube

3211 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017
Phone: (202) 541-3165 Fax: (202) 722-8711

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