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Standing with Community: Chapter report from PEAK Minnesota

At a recent chapter event, Coalition of Asian American Leaders ED Bo Thao-Urabe advocated for the adoption of several practices to help funders become better community partners and build trust-based relationships with their grantees.



Community Conversation #2 | Racial Equity in Grantmaking Practice

Members, join us on July 22 for our continuing conversation on racial equity. At last month’s event, we came together to discuss how members are supporting racial equity in philanthropy and working to dismantle white supremacy and racism on personal, interpersonal, institutional, and structural levels. This event will focus on small-group peer discussion.



How to access LEARN resources

We are currently experiencing technical issues preventing direct access to LEARN resources, including online courses, on-demand webinars, and documents. As a temporary workaround, please follow these instructions. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue!

Join this week’s trending conversations:

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice: Not yet in CONNECT? Join now.


July 15 | Virtual
Evaluating Trauma-Informed Practice

July 22 | Virtual
Community Conversation #2 | Racial Equity in Grantmaking Practice

July 23 | Virtual
Revisit Reporting (PEAK Northeast)

July 28 | Virtual
The ABCs of a Great Review Process

July 29 | Virtual
Justice and Inclusion in Grantmaking Practice (PEAK Florida and PEAK Minnesota)

July 29 | Virtual
Get Your Accounting and Processes Ready for the New FASB Standards

August 20 | Virtual
Virtual Check-in and Discussion (PEAK Rocky Mountain)

August 25 | Virtual
Quarantini: Another Round (PEAK Delaware Valley)


Weekly Reads

"Trust-based philanthropy seeks to alleviate these systemic power imbalances by challenging the 'prove it to earn it' mentality of traditional philanthropy, of which BIPOC-led organizations often bear the brunt. When you have a sector that is 83% white, built upon white-dominant frames of what deems an organization 'good' or 'trustworthy,' it is impossible to deny the inherent inequities."  [more]
– Shaady Salehi, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

“You shouldn’t hurt just for me or your Black friends. We’ve done such a good job at segregation in America that we even segregate pain."  [more]
– Shawn Escoffery, Roy + Patricia Disney Family Foundation, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

"Those closest to the problems are closest to the solutions; we must ensure that the women who experience the deepest economic impacts are seated at the tables of power. Because of their deep, cross-sector relationships and the trust of front-line service providers, women’s funds and foundations are well-positioned to champion and channel resources to the areas of greatest need within their communities."  [more]
– Elizabeth Barajas-Román, Women’s Funding Network, in Forbes

"Racial inequity is baked into philanthropic norms. Sadly, most Black leaders in the nonprofit world have come to accept that the tragic parental advice – you must work twie as hard and expect half as much – applies even in a field that increasingly expresses a commitment to racial equity."  [more]
– Rodney Foxworth and Antony Bugg-Levine, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

"Engaging in public policy requires the long view [... and movements have] demanded more of their champions than was likely anticipated – more time, greater energy, smarter strategy, additional funding, sufficient perseverance to carry on when events conspired against them, and the shrewdness to take advantage of unanticipated opportunities. Most of all, however, these campaigns have demanded patience." [more]
– Sandra Swirski, Alliance for Charitable Reform, and Joanne Florino, The Philanthropy Roundtable, on Center for Effective Philanthropy

PEAK Grantmaking
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Washington, DC 20006-1242

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