Missouri’s Pro-Life Leaders Support Life!
Earlier this year in the unusual 2020 legislative session, Missouri legislators came back to Jefferson City to pass the budget. This budget included funding for the many needs provided to women and unborn babies during pregnancy.
The funding for Alternatives to Abortion programs were kept at the same level as last year’s funding! Thank you pro-life Legislators!
Pregnancy Resource Centers and Maternity Homes can apply and access these state monies to help women in crisis pregnancies. These programs are having great success helping women and saving innocent little lives cross Missouri!
Prior to last weekend as most of us were preparing to celebrate our nations Independence Day, Governor Parson signed the budget fully funding the Alternatives to Abortion programs!
Thank you Governor Parson for giving women the resources they need to choose life for their unborn children!
There are MANY alternatives to abortion opportunities.
Special Note: For those who are pregnant and in a situation where you need help,
here are some resources to help you. You are not alone!