Victory! Georgia Board of Nursing relents after free speech lawsuit by midwife

Late last year, Debbie Pulley sued the Georgia Board of Nursing after it ordered her to stop describing herself as a Certified Professional Midwife and midwife.

Forced to either lie, stay silent, or sue, Debbie chose the latter. And Caleb Trotter has the happy news that Debbie’s free speech challenge came to a successful end this week when the board agreed to end its speech ban and stop punishing Georgia midwives, like Debbie, for accurately describing themselves and their credentials.

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Will the voters freeze new housing development in November?

If a poison causes a disease, the obvious cure has to be even more poison, right?

To most of us, that prescription sounds insane. But as Jim Burling writes, it’s a fair description of California’s so-called “Rental Affordability Act” ballot issue—to address the disease that is the state’s affordable housing shortage.

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The Hill: Supreme Court ensures more educational opportunity for kids

Last week, in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Supreme Court held that states cannot exclude religious schools from tax-credit scholarship programs.

This is welcome news for families across the country—but especially in the 38 states that have no-aid provisions on the books. Elizabeth Slattery and Ethan Blevins explain how the ruling will empower parents to set the course of their kids’ schooling, with an outsized impact on children from disadvantaged communities.

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