If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

Real News for Real Americans

As the country is trying to open back up, there are flare-ups and spikes of cases all over the entire country.

Some states that opened up are going back under lockdown!

And the predictions for the fall and winter are looking horrible...

...with the likelihood that we all will have to stay at home again.

It's likely that you will be required to wear a mask the rest of 2020 if you want to do anything around other people...

...any kind of shopping

...going to a family or church event

...getting in to watch a game or a race...

But, most masks aren't that great.

They leak around the top of your nose and below your mouth.

They fall down.

They are hot and uncomfortable.

...and, frankly, most don't work that well.

Luckily, we have secured 95% filtering, comfortable masks.

We're offering a discount of up to 40% off.

And they ship out of our Salt Lake City warehouse the day after you order them.

==> Click here to see if we still have any left!

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Outraged Patriot
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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