Welcome to Lancaster, Mr. Vice President....
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Vice President Mike Pence made his second stop this year in Lancaster County today. It was an honor to introduce him at his event in Manheim and give him a warm welcome to the 11th Congressional District.
The contrast of our choices this November could not be clearer. The conversation has shifted, the Democratic party has descended past their progressive roots and into a full-blown embrace of socialism

I see it every day in Congress.
They want to radically change our economic system.

We know that free enterprise has produced more freedom and opportunity than the world has ever seen.

There's only one way to stop the madness and that's taking back Republican control of the House and re-electing President Donald J. Trump.

In celebration of Vice President Pence's visit - I'm splitting every contribution received today, 50/50 with President Trump's campaign. 

Let's show Vice President Pence that we support him!
Donate $10 = $5 for Trump & $5 for Smucker
Donate $30 = $15 for Trump & $15 for Smucker
Donate $50 = $25 for Trump & $25 for Smucker
The road to victory runs right through Pennsylvania and the Vice President knows it starts right here in the 11th Congressional District.

It's an honor to welcome VP Pence to Lancaster County and we look forward to having him back again soon.

Let's keep PA-11 Red!

Split Your Contribution

Email All Questions to: [email protected]

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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