
This weekend, President Trump is coming to New England, and we need all hands on deck to respond.

Over the last week, we’ve seen his campaign take a sinister turn, which is saying something even for this president. Trump is banking on the idea that he can pit us against each other and use fear to scare the country into another four years of his disastrous leadership.

Will you rush a donation before Trump shows up this weekend?

Last week, he attacked protestors and said things about this country that would be more fitting at a Klan rally than a presidential rally. We don’t know what he’s going to say yet, but we know it’s going to be bad.

One of Trump’s biggest fans, John Paul Moran, is running against me for Congress in the 6th Congressional District, and he’s banking on the president’s arrival to bail out his campaign and make this seat competitive for radical Trump Republicans.

We can’t afford to be complacent. This president and his racist, divisive rhetoric are going to be right on our doorstep this weekend. And we need your help to get our message out there to counter it—the message that I promised to live by six years ago the night you helped send me to Congress, that I would focus on doing what’s right not for the Democratic Party or what’s right for the Republican Party but to always do what’s right for America.

My Republican opponent is hoping to shake things up this weekend. He’s hoping that Trump’s arrival gives him a boost and riles up his supporters in the district and across New England.

He’s banking on winning through division, but we know that we win by coming together and working together to build a country that’s safer and stronger.

Will you show President Trump that we’re stronger as a team by chipping in to our campaign?

Thank you for all of your support. Let’s show the president where Massachusetts stands on his visit.

All the best,
