Secretary of State Mike Pompeo explained in a Fox News interview that the U.S. government may consider a ban on Chinese social media such as popular video/meme sharing app TikTok.” This follows similar action by...

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We Hold These Truths: Our Answer To The Mob

Under MRC President Brent Bozell's guidance, the MRC has begun building a coalition of conservative activist groups, luminaries, and politicians in this battle to preserve our democracy.

As part of that initiative, the MRC has produced a video titled, “We Hold These Truths: Our Answer To The Mob,” that speaks to the heart of American exceptionalism and nobility, and how America will prevail. 

The video has garnered over 700,000 views across all platforms so far and is on track to reach 1 million. You'll want to watch it.




Mark your calendars and plan to join us for MRC's Caribbean Cruise!

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