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Dear EARN community, 

This year, as we continue to prioritize public health during the coronavirus pandemic, we won’t be gathering in person for the EARN Conference in Cleveland. Instead, we’ll be hosting EARNConversations!

Please fill out this survey by July 21 to help us design EARNConversations and convene dynamic virtual discussions to meet the challenges and opportunities of the moment we are in. Policymakers need to act decisively to fight this recession with anti-racist solutions that set our economy up for a strong, just recovery. Together we will strategize to build power with workers; put people first as we confront the economic recession; prepare for 2021 and beyond; and lead with racial, gender, and economic justice.

Rather than a multiday conference, EARNConversations will begin in September as a series of focused virtual conversations on these core themes with experts around the country. We’re also continuing our commitment to relationship building and interactive training sessions to strengthen research and data analysis skills across the network.

There won’t be any registration fee for EARNConversations, and without the barriers associated with travel, we hope to engage an even broader array of local, state, and national researchers, policy advocates, and grassroots organizations. Click here to let us know what would make EARNConversations the virtual experience that you will be excited to join!

For regular updates about EARNConversations, keep an eye on the EARNConversations 2020 website. In the meantime, if you have questions, please email Jaimie Worker at [email protected]

In solidarity,

Naomi Walker
Director, Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN)


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