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Marriage equality campaigners have welcomed an announcement by the UK Government that it will introduce law changes next week to allow same-sex couples in Northern Ireland to have religious wedding ceremonies.
Warwickshire County Council is set to pay out more than £1m to ensure that a troubled Catholic school in Leamington can become part of an academy run by the Birmingham Archdiocese.
The Forum, which is still gathering representation from civil-society organisations, NGOs, academic organisations, and the Government, will be launched in September.
The United States has imposed sanctions on three senior officials of the Chinese Communist party, including a member of the ruling politburo, for alleged human rights abuses targeting ethnic and religious minorities in the western part of the country.
Reproductive rights advocates fear the ruling will disproportionately impact marginalized students who already have trouble obtaining contraceptive care.
The Supreme Court's recent decision that Montana cannot exclude donations that go to religious schools from a small tax credit program could have consequences felt far beyond the state.
Thailand's cabinet approved a civil partnership bill on Wednesday that would recognise same-sex unions with almost the same legal rights as married couples.
A new High Court challenge to get humanist marriages legally recognised in England and Wales gives us an opportunity to consider how to reform our marriage laws for greater simplicity, equality and freedom, says Megan Manson.
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