Friday, July 10th, 2020

Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled

Bill Sardi

My Investigation of the So-Called COVID Deaths

Jon Rappoport

Anti-Slavery Zealot John Brown Is No Hero

Yet poets Thoreau and Emerson made him a god. James Bovard

£1k Bounties for Care Homes To Take Covid Patients Show Bojo Can’t Dodge Blame for UK’s Death Toll

Damian Wilson

Cancel Culture Will Decimate Us…If We Let It

Boyd D. Cathey

‘Unconscious For Nine Days’: Jordan Peterson Opens Up About His Drug Detox Treatment in Russia


Meet The Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm Using AI To Profile Americans and Guide US Lockdown Policy

Whitney Webb

What Is a Fatal Dose of Fentanyl?

Paul Craig Roberts

Economic Cannibalism: What Millennials Don’t Know Will Hurt Everyone By Judith Acosta

American Thinker

The Biggest Global Hoax in History

Chuck Baldwin

Wearing Masks – A Sledgehammer to Health

Dr. Mark Sircus

Bill Gates — the Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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