
This is no time to back down!

We can't abandon the American worker when help is needed most:
We need your help to help us get Americans working again!

"As a descendent of American chattel slaves, I have been replaced more than once on my job by an immigrant. We are the poorest demographic in the nation, and the COVID crisis has upped the ante ten thousand-fold. How are we supposed to live with that as we lose our jobs to immigrants, legal and illegal?"

-- Tonya F.
Anchorage, AK

Dear John,

Coronavirus Stole More Than 16 Million Jobs.<br>
Should be admit foreign workers to take jobs?

A few weeks ago, we sent out a survey to a portion of our membership, asking how Coronavirus and the ensuing economic collapse has affected them. We got thousands of comments back about how unnecessary employment visas made the problem so much worse. We shared many with you a couple of weeks ago. We hoped the Administration was listening, too.

John, we owe it to our own citizens to bring back full employment and strong wage growth, not flood the market with cheap foreign labor.

The good news is that WE WON the immediate battle our members were fighting! Since our earlier email to you, Pres. Trump dramatically cut temporary work visas! This is on top of the pause in immigration green cards that Pres. Trump already made.

But we have so much more to do for members like Tonya (above), and for Benjie and Hernando:

"Although the Coronavirus did not help things my business was already shut down due to illegal immigrants and cheap labor and I built a business for 40 years, it is a damned shame that an American can build a 40-year business and be shut out of business by people who aren't supposed to be here."

-- Benjie T.
New Hope, AL

"I have two jobs. One is as a limousine driver in San Antonio, TX. I lost that job since mid-March. My 2nd job is as an independent contractor in real estate. I have not had a real estate deal since February. The only thing keeping me afloat is Trump's $1,200 and my state unemployment benefits."

-- Hernando A.
Helotes, TX

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS WHO TOOK THE TIME TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY, especially those who expressed that they were willing to share their personal, frequently very moving stories with the public.

The bad news for us in the membership and fundraising areas is that the responses confirmed our worst fears: Our membership has been hammered by the economic impact of the coronavirus. And not just our members, but our donors, too! Fully a quarter of the people who wrote to us tell how badly they were economically hurt by the virus have been donors, more than a thousand in all. Our survey results show that 42% of our NumbersUSA members have lost work themselves or have a family member who has lost work due to the COVID crisis.

Donors like Christopher B. of Chicago, IL, a small business owner who has lost 50% of his sales... Or a woman from Andrews, TX who tells us, "My husband is a realtor and several houses are for sale, but who can buy them?!"... Or Lauri S., of Manassas, VA, a self-employed events photographer, with no events to photograph.

If you can't give now, please make the most of the services your donations have already helped to create. But if you can give, please help us make up for those who cannot!


You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.

We are uniquely challenged, right now. NumbersUSA Action is not a foundation. We are supported by true grassroots, not astroturf. We don't look to the stock market to guess how well our membership is doing economically, we look to the unemployment rate. NumbersUSA is overwhelmingly American workers, working together, to help other American workers.

"I am stuck in the gig economy looking for full-time work. I wish the government would stop helping outsiders get jobs with visas."

-- William S.
New Rochelle, NY

"I was furloughed for two months then returned to work with reduced hours...while having to wear PPE. I did not receive unemployment compensation during my two months of furlough, nor was I compensated from my employer. I sold my car to pay my bills and used my credit card to pay my rent. I am still behind the eightball. Where are all the good-paying jobs?"

-- Timothy
Chico, CA.

Right now, a HUGE portion of NumbersUSA members can't afford to give. We need those who can need to step up. IF YOU CAN, please donate right now.

I want to assure everyone that NumbersUSA isn't going anywhere, John. When I say how badly we need funds, what's at stake isn't whether we can continue to fight for sensible immigration policies, but how big a fight we can make. That's what's at stake. Will we be able to stop Congress from reversing Pres. Trump's immigration policies, or not?

When NumbersUSA stunned the world by defeating "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" six years ago, we clobbered Washington with 8 million faxes. They were to members of Congress, from their own constituents. Our allies told us how crucial that was.

In early 2013, Republican leaders like Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor tried to convince their party that reducing immigration was a losing issue. NumbersUSA fought back and made immigration the predominant political issue leading up to Donald Trump's candidacy.

We developed a Facebook fan base that helped us deliver messages that were seen by ONE BILLION people to encourage people to vote to support immigration. Roy's immigration gumball video alone has been watched TWO HUNDRED MILLION times.

We need to continue to shock the world... and we need to continue to innovate. Our opponents never stop innovating, either, so we always face new challenges to getting our message out. With the support of our members in the past, NumbersUSA Action has always been able to rise to the occasion. With your support, we can continue to adapt and grow. Right now, we desperately need that support.


You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.

We are trying to raise a few hundred thousand dollars over the next few months so we can help get twenty million people working again and re-establish their -- and our nation's -- self-determination!

"I haven't lost work. However I live on rental income and renters have lost jobs, been laid off, and have no income - which means they can't pay their rent. I pay their utilities so I'm paying with no rental income - so my income has dropped also. We need NO NEW IMMIGRANT VISAS - we have too many people who need jobs - Put working Americans first."

-- Arda M.
Paradise, TX

Our members aren't victims; they're heroes. They've been fighting for others. They've helped us alert our elected officials of the harm that the coronavirus has caused, and how senseless it is to continue to bring in new workers to take jobs lost by Americans. Read some more of their stories:

"As a 95-Year-Old WWII Marine, Survivor USS Indianapolis where I lost 880 of my shipmates. Only 317 survived those 4-1/2 days swimming with the sharks. I have written the miracle of surviving in my book, "Out of the Depths." Telling the story... has been my livelihood until the COVID 19 forced me to stay at home. Semper Fi!"

-- Sgt. Edgar Harrell
Clarksville, TN

"As a 1970 immigrant myself, I am appalled at the porous borders, lack of education of newcomers, immediate benefits bestowed on illegal aliens."

-- Dolores P.
Fayetteville, AR

Please help us afford to keep doing all we can do to rebuild America. If you can, please give today.

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Stay well,

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Dan Marsh
Information Systems, Membership and Development

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? We're glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.