
When it comes to sports, we can’t ignore biological differences between male and female athletes. But the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling (Bostock v. Clayton County) threatens to do just that. 

The unintended consequences of Bostock are unfortunate and unnerving—and could result in the elimination of single-sex sports. 

That’s why it is important we speak up and demand protections for female athletes.

We all know women are tougher than men in many ways (do you really think men could handle childbirth?!).... 😁 But, biological males who have gone through puberty have physical advantages—in terms of size, strength, speed, and lung capacity—over almost all biological females. 

Activists are trying to spin facts to fit political agendas, but science is science. 
Demand Fair Play
These biological advantages impact athletics, which is why the men’s world records are consistently better than women’s world records. As a professor of human genetics at UCLA told Sports Illustrated, "With respect to running… There is 10 to 12 percent difference between male and female athletic performance.”

According to another report: “Women typically have levels of testosterone... between .5 to 3 nanomoles per liter, medical experts say. Men's testosterone levels range from approximately 10 to 30 nanomoles per liter.”

The science is clear and irrefutable: allowing male-bodied athletes to compete with female athletes puts women’s physical safety at risk and takes away valuable opportunities for women and girls to participate in and win sporting competitions. 

IT’S NOT FAIR. That’s why we must demand fair play and defend women’s athletics. Join us in the fight.


Hadley Heath Manning
Director of Policy