Hi John,
After learning that New York City would paint “Black Lives Matter” on Fifth Avenue, Donald Trump said that it would be a “symbol of hate.”
What’s really a symbol of hate is our president retweeting a video where people were shouting “white power.” Trump has spewed dangerous and divisive rhetoric and inspired his supporters to do the same over the last five years since he launched his campaign, but the good news is that Joe Biden has taken the lead over Trump in polling and fundraising.
We can stop Trump in November by electing Biden and our first woman vice president, but right now, we want to hear from you in our new survey to see where you stand: 
Do you condemn Donald Trump's rhetoric?
We can't wait to hear from you. And if you've been out in the streets demanding justice, thank you -- we hope you are safe. 
In solidarity,
A Woman’s Place

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States