President Trump took to Twitter in a rant today after the Supreme Court, in two 7-2 decisions. said the president is not entitled to immunity from congressional and grand jury subpoenas for his tax and financial information.
In his rant, Trump called the rulings rejecting his claims that he is essentially above the law “unfair.”
In an on-again, off-again tweet storm, Trump attacked Democrats and former President Barack Obama, arguing he is being unfairly targeted while others don’t face scrutiny.
“This is all a political prosecution” Trump tweeted. “I won the Mueller Witch Hunt and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration!”
Particularly vexing for the president was that the majority in the two decisions that said Trump is not immune to demands that he produce his financial information was joined by Trump-appointed Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Trump’s lawyers had tried to get the Supreme Court to back their attempt to halt efforts by the Manhattan District Attorney to obtain his taxes as part of an investigation into hush money payments to two women. The court also ruled that it was leaving open the House Democrats’ attempt to obtain his financial records from the Trump Organization’s accounting firm and two banks...