Explore resources and events to promote well-being and engagement.
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It’s summertime! Yet, as some aspects of life have returned to normal, many families are still dealing with a great level of uncertainty - what will the coming school year look like, how to potentially juggle school and work schedules, and what kids will do for the rest of the summer with camps and typical activities not available.
In the midst of these challenges, it's important to be kind to yourself and your kids. Prioritizing Playtime, Downtime, and Family Time ([link removed]) can help keep you and your kids connected and balanced during this unique, and possibly difficult, time.
In this newsletter, we share upcoming Challenge Success virtual offerings, a student-produced audio piece regarding their experiences during COVID-19, and a reading list to help keep you engaged this summer.
Be well.
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Date: Next Friday, July 17th
Time: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm PT | 11:30 am – 4:30 pm ET
Audience: K-12 school and district leaders
Registration: $275
Join a dynamic group of K-12 school leaders from across the country for a half-day leadership seminar to be held virtually via Zoom. Through interactive presentations, workshops, and dialogue with peers, you will learn new strategies to improve student well-being and promote academic engagement in your school community as your school makes plans to reopen.
Registration closes Monday, July 13th at 9 am PT
Register Now ([link removed])
A HEALTHY APPROACH TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONShttps://www.challengesuccess.org/parents/healthy-college-admissions/
Date: Thursday, August 6th
Time: 5:00 - 6:15 pm PT | 8:00 - 9:15 pm ET
Audience: Parents
Registration: $10
College admissions can be a source of stress and anxiety for students and parents alike. With the pandemic inserting more uncertainty into this process, we are offering an updated presentation via a live, interactive webinar hosted by Challenge Success Co-Founder Dr. Denise Pope.
During the workshop, Dr. Pope will share research to support a healthier approach to college admissions and address many of the important questions we hear from families. What do college rankings really measure? Are students who attend more selective colleges better off later in life? What is “fit” and why does it matter? Learn practical strategies to help reduce unnecessary pressure around the college admissions process and ways to support student’s overall well-being and readiness for life in college and beyond.
Sign Up Here ([link removed])
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Every Tuesday for the next two months, we will be featuring short videos of students sharing their own definition of success and how it compares to their teachers’, parents’, or community’s views. Watch Benjamin's video now, and then don’t miss the next episode on our IGTV - follow us @ChallengeSuccess on Instagram ([link removed]) .
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Two students from Folsom High School, a Challenge Success partner school, created a powerful audio piece that drew together “I Wish” statements gathered from students around the country. This compilation poignantly shares what students wish we knew about their experiences during COVID-19.
Educators can use this “I Wish” question remotely via an anonymous survey or parents can carve out time to ask their own kids these questions.
Weigh in to share what types of resources and content you would like to hear more about! What has been top of mind for you lately and where would you like more guidance from Challenge Success?
Share your thoughts on what topics and content you want more of here ([link removed]) !
* Declaring Independence in College Admissions ([link removed]) | Forbes
* How to Entertain Your Kids This Summer? Maybe Don’t ([link removed]) | The New York Times
* Care Counts in Crisis: College Admissions Deans Respond to COVID-19 ([link removed]) | Making Caring Common
* T ([link removed]) alking With Your Teen About Anti-Racism? Be Ready to Listen ([link removed]) | The New York Times
* Closing the K–12 Digital Divide in the Age of Distance Learning ([link removed]∣=6409703&jb=9&utm_source=BCGdigitaldivide_standalone_BA&utm_medium=email) | Common Sense Media
A fishbowl offers a school community a unique opportunity for adults to “listen in” as a small group of students or staff members share their experiences and feelings on a particular topic. A Challenge Success facilitator will prepare, deliver, and moderate this virtual event for your school.
Email Kristen (mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Fishbowl%20Offering) to receive updates on this new professional development offering.
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Do you know a school that could benefit from working with Challenge Success? Applications are open for our 2020-21 School Program ([link removed])
Strategies for Student Well-Being and Engagement with Learning
** Challenge Success ([link removed])
partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. We believe that our society has become too focused on grades, test scores, and performance, leaving little time for kids to develop the skills necessary to become independent, resilient, and ethical individuals. Learn more about our ** impact ([link removed])
and how to ** support ([link removed])
our mission. Challenge Success is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.
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