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** Fossil Fuels’ ‘Net-Zero’ Carbon Emissions Scam Is Something Humanity Doesn’t Have Time For ([link removed])
By Patti Lynn on Jul 09, 2020 11:00 am
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Why vague commitments by fossil fuel corporations to “zero out” carbon emissions don’t add up. Fossil fuel giant Shell took time in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic to announce on April 16 that it was going to work toward reducing its emissions to “net-zero” by 2050. The announcement comes on the heels of BP’s [...]
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** The U.S. Wants to Play Powerbroker in a Fight Over the Nile River, but a Bigger Threat Looms ([link removed])
By Danny Sjursen on Jul 09, 2020 09:00 am
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The U.S. may soon take sides in a potential water war over the Nile River. The $4.5 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is reaching the mature stage of construction, with Ethiopia announcing its intent to begin storing water that Egypt would prefer to grow its crops with. Should combat ensue, Washington will likely choose between two [...]
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** Trump Rallies Linked to Rise in Coronavirus Cases ([link removed])
By Alec Pronk on Jul 09, 2020 08:00 am
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Trump held rallies in Tulsa and Phoenix where coronavirus cases are spiking. The director of the Tulsa Health Department said a rise in his county’s number of coronavirus cases is likely connected to several large gatherings, including a rally President Trump held in Tulsa on June 20. Coronavirus was already spiking when Trump held the [...]
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** COVID-19 Exposes the Weakness of a Major Theory Used to Justify Capitalism ([link removed])
By Richard Wolff on Jul 09, 2020 06:00 am
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A cornerstone of orthodox economics is the idea that capitalists’ decisions about investing and producing are inherently “efficient.” This means that capitalists select among all alternative courses of action those whose costs are minimal and whose benefits are maximal. Keeping costs to the lowest possible level while producing goods and services that yield the most [...]
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** How to Keep Activist Movements From Burning Out ([link removed])
By Collective 20 on Jul 08, 2020 03:07 pm
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No matter how much support a cause has when gearing up, it has little hope of accomplishing long-term goals if its supporters are divided. Since the 1960s, how many movements have excitedly exploded into existence, only to later morbidly melt away? In contrast, how many movements have constantly interminably grown and strengthened over time? The [...]
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** Trump: Reopen Schools or Lose Funding ([link removed])
By Daniel Davis on Jul 08, 2020 02:00 pm
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As the coronavirus reshapes many aspects of life, it has come time for schools to contemplate when and how to safely reopen for the fall semester. President Donald Trump strongly feels schools should reopen or lose funding from Washington, the Associated Press reported Wednesday. Blaming Democrats and CDC The president targeted Democrats and the Centers [...]
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** Fossil Fuel Companies Have Used At Least $3 Billion In Federal Covid-19 Aid ([link removed])
By Peter Castagno on Jul 08, 2020 12:00 pm
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“We should not be wasting taxpayer dollars on an industry that’s in a tailspin of its own making, especially when it seems intent on bringing the whole planet down with it.” Over 5,600 fossil fuel companies, many of which were already struggling and heavily debt-burdened before the pandemic, have taken at least $3 billion in [...]
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** The U.S. and UK Are a Wrecking Ball Crew Against the Pillars of Internationalism ([link removed])
By Vijay Prashad on Jul 08, 2020 10:00 am
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On January 9, 2020, Ambassador Karen Pierce—the United Kingdom’s permanent representative to the United Nations—spoke at a meeting on the UN Charter. “Nobody could accuse the founding members of a lack of ambition when they drafted the Charter,” Ambassador Pierce said. “But at times, the United Nations has often suffered from an almost unbridgeable gap between the [...]
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** How Billionaires Get Away With Their Big Con ([link removed])
By Thom Hartmann on Jul 08, 2020 09:00 am
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The rich have been successfully chipping away at Americans’ trust in government for decades. About 75 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to “do what is right” when polled during most of the last years of the Eisenhower administration and early years of Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency. In 2019, when the Pew Research Center released its most recent [...]
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** Erdogan Slapped On The Wrist In Libya. Is More To Follow? ([link removed])
By Alaeddin Saleh on Jul 08, 2020 08:22 am
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The attack that targeted Al-Watiya air base gave Ankara’s ambitious plans for capturing strategic areas of Sirte port and Jufra airbase a reality check
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** The Democrats’ Disastrous, Militarist Climate Plan ([link removed])
By David Swanson on Jul 08, 2020 06:00 am
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(World Beyond War) The habitability of the earth and the viability of lesser evilism are on the ropes, and incrementalism is thriving even in the current moment of increased activism for radical change. Just take a look at the new “Climate Crisis Action Plan” from the Democratic Party’s Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. The big [...]
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** Scientology, Kanye West, and Politically-Connected Profited from Coronavirus Loans ([link removed])
By Daniel Davis on Jul 07, 2020 02:00 pm
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“PPP was sold to the American people as a program to help Mom-and-Pop shops keep their lights on during the pandemic. The reality is that the Trump administration created a program that helped the well connected cut to the front of the line to get these loans.” Although the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was designed [...]
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