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Americans for Peace Now: July 9, 2020
"The occupation is the mother of all evils."
Carmi Gillon, former Director of the Israeli Shin Bet (internal security service), in his opinion piece: The Palestinians Got Screwed. They Are Now a Non-issue Around the World [ [link removed] ].
Issue Briefs
Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher [ [link removed] ]
July 6, 2020 - The threat of regional turmoil at a time of corona [ [link removed] ]
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Q. West Bank annexation appears to have been swept off the Israeli agenda by an angry second wave of corona. Who and what are to blame?
A. Before we start blaming people and institutions, we need to start by blaming covid-19...
Q. So much for blaming an unpredictable virus. The US certainly has President Trump to blame with his anti-mask, anti-science arrogance. Same for Brazil and Bolsonaro. But in Israel, after it managed the first wave so well?
A. The buck has to stop with Prime Minister Netanyahu...
Q. And while all this is going on, you're suggesting we should worry about regional turmoil...
A. We had better worry, because it can't be ignored...
Q. You mentioned Egypt as a potential combatant in Libya. Only in Libya?
A. No...
Q. Bottom line?
A. ...Almost everywhere you look in the broader region, troubles are brewing and demanding attention...
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Government Relations [ [link removed] ]
APN Legislative Round-Up: July 3, 2020 [ [link removed] ]
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace [ [link removed] ] in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
* Bills, Resolutions, and Letters
* FY21 NDAA - Senate
* Hearings
* On the Record
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House Subcommittee approves the Middle East Partnership for Peace Act
The APN-endorsed act, advocated for by the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) and championed by Foreign Operations Subcommittee Chair Rep. Nina Lowey, would create the foundation to fully realize an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, as well as several other positive initiatives.
Webinar with Peter Beinart: "My Case for Equality"
Friday, July 10, 1 pm (Eastern)
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Join this Zoom webinar with Peter Beinart, a leading American Jewish advocate for Israeli-Palestinian peace, in conversation with APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind.
In a much-discussed essay this week, Beinart explained that he has come to believe equality between Israelis and Palestinians, as opposed to separation, is the best resolution to the conflict. While APN maintains our strong support for a two-state solution, we also believe that open conversation and critical thinking is crucial to growing a vibrant peace movement.
Action Alert: Say No To Your Tax Dollars Paying For Illegal Annexation
Senator Chris Van Hollen has introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (the bill that authorizes providing U.S. aid to Israel), which would block the Netanyahu government from using any US aid to fund its illegal annexation.
US tax dollars should not support annexation nor Israel's West Bank occupation, which the annexation attempts to perpetuate.
Tell your Senators to cosponsor the Van Hollen amendment, or thank them if they already have. [ [link removed]
Settlement Watch
[ [link removed] ] Peace Now's New Report - Annex and Dispossess: Use of the Absentees' Property Law
Peace Now's Settlement Watch team looks at Israel's application of the Absentees' Property Law to evict and/or restrict Palestinians from living in their East Jerusalem properties in area annexed by Israel. This law may be similarly applied to any areas in the West Bank that Israel annexes, potentially depriving hundreds of thousands of Palestinians of their property.
Go HERE [ [link removed] ] for a report summary and a link to the full report.
New PeaceCast Podcast Episodes
Episode #137
Zehava Galon Returns to Civil Society
After 16 years in the Knesset, including six years as chairperson of Israel's Meretz party, Zehava Galon is back to human rights activism as the President of Zulat for Equality and Human Rights, a new Israeli activist think tank. LISTEN >> [ [link removed] ]
Episode #138
Opposing Annexation: Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann
An edited version of APN's webinar with Lara Friedman and Danny Seidemann on West Bank annexation. Friedman is the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, and Seidemann is an Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations, with an emphasis on Jerusalem. LISTEN >> [ [link removed] ]
Go HERE [ [link removed] ] for an archive of all PeaceCast podcasts.
Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes [ [link removed] ] or Google Play [ [link removed] ]
This is a tough time for all of us, and the demands placed upon you are considerable. As APN's financial obligations continue, including, among others, our support of our Peace Now colleagues in Israel, please consider making a donation [ [link removed] ].
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