Clcv Member,

With lawmakers at the state and federal level returning back to work from the summer recess, we’re at a make-or-break moment for policy action this year. And with science telling us our climate crisis will worsen exponentially by 2030 if we don’t act now, we need your help.

We have the solutions to combat our climate crisis. What we need is the power and political will to create the laws to implement them.

We are asking members, like you, to renew your support with a gift of $35 or more to help us through these final hurdles.

Here’s a quick update on our legislative efforts in Sacramento and D.C.:

  • Senate Bill 307 (Mojave Desert Preservation): VICTORY! Our bill that halts Trump’s friends at Cadiz, Inc. from pumping billions of gallons of water from the Mojave Desert without proper scientific oversight, was signed into law by Governor Newsom! Now, we are a significant step closer in making sure the final decision for the project will be based on real science – not the influence of corporate polluters.
  • Senate Bill 200 (Safe Drinking Water Fund): Governor Newsom signed legislation that creates a fund to begin infrastructure projects and support for the 1 million Californians living without safe drinking water. While the final deal made represents a false choice between providing safe and affordable drinking water and investing in climate programs that reduce emissions and pollution, we are very happy to see another generation of children in California will not have to live with toxic drinking water.
  • Senate Bill 1 (Trump Insurance): This bill puts in place critical protections for our clean water, clean air, workers’ rights, and endangered species by preserving laws and standards in California, regardless of what rollbacks happen federally. After the most recent rollbacks to the Endangered Species Act by the Trump Administration, we’ve doubled down on our efforts to pass this bill. SB 1 passed the Senate, and we’re working hard to get it passed in the Assembly.
  • Senate Bill 54 and Assembly Bill 1080 (Plastic Pollution Reduction): These bills introduce critical solutions to address our recycling crisis by removing single-use plastics from California. They’ve passed their respective houses of origin, and now we’re furiously advocating to get them through the other houses and on to the governor for his signature.
  • Green New Deal: Thousands of CLCV members joined the call for a Green New Deal -- a broad sweeping resolution to convert our nation to 100% clean energy while stimulating our economy to work for everyone. Big Oil Money Mitch McConnell rushed the vote in the Senate without consensus, where it failed. Despite these political antics, we’re still hopeful the House will pass the Green New Deal soon.
  • Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF): After our recent victory on the permanent reauthorization of the LWCF earlier this year, we joined our friends in the Conservation Voter Movement – a coalition of LCV state leagues – in asking Congress to fully and permanently fund the program.

And we’re just getting started. Our deadline to pass bills in California is September 13th and in Washington, D.C., Congress is back in session on September 9th, so the time to act is now.

CLCV Member, we need to let this Administration know that California will not back down when it comes to protecting our environment and our future.

But we’re up against the deep pockets of billionaire corporate polluters and Trump’s allies, and the only way we can make our voices heard is through the generous financial support of members like you. Can you renew your support with a gift of $35 or more?

This is the moment when we turn all of our wins at the ballot box into policy change. This is the moment when we hold our elected leaders accountable to take the action you asked for when you voted for them. This is the moment we need you to stand with us to win the change we’ve been fighting for together.

This is the moment when your gift makes all the difference.

Renew your support with a gift of $35 or more NOW to ensure our collective voice is heard.

Together, I know we can transform our political system and put in place the solutions needed to save our future.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible movement,

Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer
California League of Conservation Voters


Since 1972, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) has protected our land, air, water, and public health as the non-partisan political arm of the environmental movement. CLCV's mission is to protect and enhance the environment and the health of all California communities by electing environmental champions, advancing critical priorities, and holding policymakers accountable. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.