HUGE NEWS: Democrat Mark Kelly just took THE LEAD in the Arizona Senate race!!!! PFAW Member, Democrat Mark Kelly -- the former astronaut and husband of former-Congresswoman Gabby Giffords -- is now leading Trump Republican Senator Martha McSally for the first time -- by 46-41. Chip in now to defeat Martha McSally and FLIP control of the U.S. Senate!!!>> Arizona is a key 2020 swing state and this Senate race could determine majority control of the chamber -- we could finally END Mitch McConnell's GOP Majority!!! And this huge news comes at a critical moment -- we need to raise another $12,166 for our Take Back the Senate Fund THIS WEEK to stay on track with our plans to turn out every last progressive vote in this and other key Senate races.. We're mobilizing ALL of our groundbreaking electoral programs in this critical 2020 target state, but only if we can fund them -- and pulling back now, when we have this new (and amazing!) momentum could spell disaster for our chances to Take Back the Senate.
The Hill reports: "This survey represents the first time this year that [the polling firm] OH Predictive Insights has shown Kelly leading McSally. In February, the firm showed McSally leading by 2 percentage points. In May, McSally led by a single point. ... "The poll shows a dangerous trend for McSally, who now trails Kelly by 9 percentage points in Maricopa County, home to about 3 in 5 Arizona voters." Winning this race is NECESSARY to flip control of the Senate and END Mitch McConnell's Republican Majority! We need to keep a spotlight on McSally's disastrous record of attacking health care, covering for Trump, destroying the independence of our federal judiciary, and more. Please chip in now to flip this seat and Take Back the Senate! Thank you for all you do! -- PFAW