
Hi John,
When I launched Serve America ahead of the 2018 midterms, the goal was to help elect a new generation of service-driven leaders to public office. By backing committed public servants--a number of them my fellow veterans--we won some of the toughest races in the country and flipped 18 Republican-held seats in Congress. These service-driven candidates made our House majority possible, and they are leading the charge to expand and strengthen that majority this November.
That’s why I am so proud to endorse Colonel (ret.) Kim Olson in Texas’ 24th congressional district this year.

These are unpredictable and often scary times we’re living in, under a President who has abandoned the mantle of American leadership. We need strong, principled Representatives in Congress to take up that mantle and lead us through this crisis.
Kim Olson epitomizes the strong leadership that is in short supply in Congress, and I’m proud to have her back in this toss-up race to flip TX-24 from red to blue. Can you join me in supporting her with a $5 donation to her campaign before her runoff election next week?
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Kim has spent a career leading troops in combat zones and breaking barriers in the Air Force, but now, she’s got a new battle in front of her. Rebuilding from the Coronavirus pandemic is going to take battle-tested leaders, and Kim is just that. She’s exactly the voice we need in Congress to make sure we rebuild an America that is better, stronger, and more equitable than before.
You know that Texas is the largest battleground state in the country, and TX-24 is one of the most flippable seats in the state. So it’s crucial that we make sure Kim’s campaign has the resources to close out this runoff strong.
Pitch in today to join me in supporting Kim and send this veteran to Congress!
In service,
Seth Moulton
U.S. Representative, MA-06
Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans. Now, she's taking on our broken Congress and running to represent TX-24.