John, Trump's latest actions are unacceptable. As confirmed COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the United States, President Trump admitted that he asked his administration to "slow the

Chris CoonsJoin us.
John, President Trump's latest actions are unacceptable.

As confirmed COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the United States, Trump admitted that he asked his administration to "slow the testing down."

And it wasn't a joke. The Trump Administration is cutting funding for public testing sites. Then this week, he threatened to withhold federal funding from state governors who do not reopen their schools this fall. This goes against everything public health experts have been telling us, and it puts innumerable American men, women, and children at risk. That's simply wrong.

Join Chris in standing up to the Trump administration by signing our petition right now. Add your name to demand we expand COVID-19 testing >>

Time and again, Trump has prioritized good press over good results. He is risking American lives. This is more than politics: it's failed leadership, and it's wrong.

If you agree, join Chris and demand Trump expand testing for COVID-19 before it's too late.

Stay safe,

Team Coons

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