Every success I've ever been a part of came about because of an incredible team just like this one. Depending on a team is second nature to me because I learned long ago that collaboration pays off.
Hickenlooper for Colorado |

Team: Every success I’ve ever been a part of came about because of an incredible team just like this one. Working with others is second nature to me because I learned long ago that collaboration pays off.

When I was fresh off losing a job as a geologist, I joined forces with three friends to open the Wynkoop Brewing Company in 1988 in the middle of a neglected patch of downtown Denver. We succeeded on the strength of sweat and tears (and beers), as well as a stubborn commitment to supporting each other to the finish line—and the Wynkoop is still bringing people together over cold ones to this day.

When we made Colorado a model for the nation by expanding health care to nearly 400,000 Coloradans, passing the strictest methane regulations in the country, and beating the NRA by passing landmark gun violence prevention legislation, we did it by coming together as a state—demanding meaningful change and not accepting anything less.

I can’t wait to take that spirit to the floor of the U.S. Senate to break the obstruction and get things done for a change.

But this race is going to be tough. I need this team on my side every step of the way.

Unlike Cory Gardner, I’m accepting no corporate PAC money. That means his warchest will be bigger than mine, but I believe we can do what it takes to fight off the well-funded attacks that are coming my way.

Knowing this team is with me gives me all the motivation I need to take on the other side in this fight. If you’re ready to help build this campaign, chip in now—and let’s win this, together.

Let's go,



Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

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