Dear John,
For vulnerable kids, summer is often the hungriest time of year. And this is probably the hungriest summer yet.
The combination of the coronavirus, massive unemployment and schools being closed for the last few months has added up to the greatest childhood hunger challenge in recent memory. As many as 1 in 4 kids in our country may face hunger this year.
Meeting the exploding need for food is a staggering challenge. But with you at our side, it’s an achievable one.
Please give as generously as you can to feed hungry kids.
All across the country we’re hearing the same thing: the food lines have never been longer. Many traditional summer food sites, like churches and libraries, are closed or working in reduced capacity.. Food banks are struggling to keep up. Parents are skipping meals so kids can eat.
John, look at it from the kids’ perspective. Here’s how one of our front line partners in Texas put it:
"Imagine being afraid that you, your parents, guardians, siblings or others close to you might get very sick. Now, worry about when you’re going to eat next."
We need YOUR help to ensure that no child goes hungry.
When you support No Kid Hungry, you make a life-changing difference for children across the country through emergency grants. You help provide advice and ideas for how local communities can meet the challenges of ‘the coronavirus summer.’ And you stand with us to make sure our elected officials do all they can to provide desperately needed food aid.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you do to help the vulnerable kids and families during this time of need.

Diane Clifford Team No Kid Hungry
P.S. Any amount you can give today will be so appreciated. "I don't think I even have the words to say how grateful I am, because I'll just start crying," one local partner said. "I'm so grateful that we're able to do this. We will feed any kid."