Hillary and Obama want Trump defeated. It’s payback for 2016. David Horowitz says they will fail. Trump has a secret plan . . . Never in the history of America have such brutal attacks been mounted on a sitting president of the United States. So says David Horowitz, a famed New York Times bestselling author, in his new book BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win. Horowitz is no ordinary author. He is a former left-wing radical who converted to the “right” side. Today, he is one of America’s foremost conservative thinkers.
His New York Times bestseller “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America” was written before Trump’s became president — so certain was Horowitz that he would win. In fact, “Big Agenda” was the only pro-Trump book on the Times’ bestseller list on the day of Trump’s inauguration! Now, in BLITZ, Horowitz has another stunning prediction: Trump will not only win this November, he’ll win in a landslide. Horowitz says the left has overreached. Disgustingly so. Even amid the raging coronavirus pandemic, as Americans around the country seek unity, comfort, and safety, the Left has only one mission: take down Donald Trump. The events may change, but the Democrats’ playbook remains the same, Horowitz writes. We’ve reserved a FREE copy of BLITZ in your name. Claim your FREE BOOK here. Don’t see this election in a vacuum, Horowitz warns. And don’t believe claims Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are playing a small role in the efforts to oust Trump, he adds. Even before Trump took office, leftists vowed to oust the 45th president of the United States at any cost. On the day he was inaugurated in 2016, they openly talked about their impeachment plan. For the first time, Horowitz, a former leftist himself, reveals how Democrats and their allies concocted several attack plans against President Trump with the aim of removing him from office and overturning the 2016 election result. Critics Say BLITZ Is a Political Masterpiece Don Jr., son of President Trump, says this book will be his dad’s guidebook to victory.
Famed radio host and Fox News star Mark Levin says BLITZ is “an indispensable book.”
And Mike Huckabee has urged every Trump supporter in America to buy BLITZ .
This plan culminated in the December 2019 House impeachment of Donald J. Trump. Horowitz explains in BLITZ why their fervent efforts to destroy Trump failed, and how this led up to a renewed attack on him during the pandemic. BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win chronicles the brutal battles, bitter backlash, and shameless lies Trump has faced as Democrats repeatedly attack his presidency. Surprisingly, as Horowitz reveals, these very things will lead Trump straight to victory in the 2020 presidential election. BLITZ is a must-read for every American who stands behind our Constitution and our president — and it’s sure to make liberals’ heads explode by revealing:
- How the Democrats’ plan to stop the wall blew up in their faces, alienating their own voters. Page 26
- Why the Democrats will employ “identity politics” and race in a desperate effort to stop Trump despite having spent the past keeping minorities oppressed — a strategy filled with extreme injustice, racism, and inequality. Page 207
- Elijah Cummings’ corruption EXPOSED: the truth about how this long-time congressman oppressed his own people — it took Trump to unmask it for all to see. Page 38
- Why Democrats vehemently oppose charter schools — it has nothing to do with education or your children’s welfare. Page 43
- WHO SAID THIS: “People pushing hardest for Trump’s removal are more dangerous than Trump”? Page 137
- How patriotism suddenly became “white nationalism” linking Trump and his supporters to Hitler and the KKK. Page 70
- The New York Times’ shocking attempt to distort history and place the blame for slavery on the backs of whites, insisting everything that’s made America exceptional grew out of slavery. FALSE! Read about the alarming “Project 1619” on page 72.
- Fact Check: Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren shout “human rights abuse” and insist Trump is “taking America to a dark and ugly place” but their facts are fake and confused. Read all about the Democrats’ immigration hypocrisy on page 49.
- Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL! Even this Trump-hating correspondent from CNN didn’t believe it until he saw it in action firsthand. Page 107
- The one thing that’ll be the demise of the Democratic Party. Page 107
- WHO SAID THIS: “A hardened criminal has more rights than the president of the United States”? Turn to page 134 to find out!
- One thing about Trump his enemies will never get — and it’s hysterical. Page 115
- Shocking differences between Trump and Obama policies — it’s all laid out on page 142
- Why every leftist effort to demonize Trump and his supporters is backfiring! Page 163
- Did you know Trump took on Russia? No one knows because the media refused to report it. Page 145
A blockbuster bestseller in the making, BLITZ examines how years of rampant corruption, obstruction of justice, and stifling oppression of the American people by leftists will keep Trump in the Oval Office for four more years. Some of the leading conservatives in America have already read BLITZ and say you must get it, devour it . . . and share it! ALSO INSIDE this must-read book:
- The SECRET Meeting: Just 5 days after Trump was sworn in, billionaire George Soros backed a clandestine meeting in a Washington hotel with far-leftists from around the nation to form the “Resistance” — the shadowy group that has sought to attack the president at every turn. Page 13
- What Trump really said about illegals — not what the media made up. (And the truth about Obama’s plan to abolish God from the public square). Page 119
- How religious freedom was returned to the people, after a decade of being under siege where God was held hostage. Page 153
- CNN’s mother of all slanders against President Trump — yet not a soul stepped up to challenge the shocking lies. Page 163
- Ever wonder exactly how the Democratic Party became so derailed that it became the party of hate? Find out on page 165.
- The real Washington whistleblower? TRUMP! Check out page 136.
BLITZ dives deep into Trump World, while ripping the veil of deception off the left’s terrifying socialist agenda as you’ve never seen before. So compelling are the facts and so riveting the truth, you can’t put this book down. BLITZ is a political exposé of shocking events, defiance, and agendas as well as startling, never-before-heard revelations. Here’s something the media refused to report: the truth behind the Ukraine scandal that’ll knock your socks off. Lying, cheating Democrats concocted a story about Trump to hide Obama and Biden’s corruption. Read how it all played out on page 124. Here’s what else you’ll discover inside your FREE copy of BLITZ: DAVID HOROWITZ is a noted conservative commentator and New York Times bestselling author of Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America. He is the founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles.
- The SECRET Deal: Ever wonder why pro-communist Bernie Sanders has heartily endorsed Joe Biden? It’s all about the Green New Deal and what insiders say is nothing short of destroying the U.S. economy to “replace it with something else.” Page 104
- The insane Hitler-esque proposal that would place America under the iron fist of a military regime for 10 years while confiscating cars and banning air travel. Page 97
- Top 10 lies the Democrats have told you — they’re whoppers and yet millions of leftists swallow them hook, line, and sinker. Page 207
- Trump’s most retweeted post of all time — the one that made heads explode at CNN and MSNBC. Page 29
- The brilliant and calculated strategy Trump uses to bypass the mainstream media and get his message out to the people. Page 31
Dozens of stories and examples expose how those on the left twist Trump’s words, pathologically lie, and make up rules as they go. Horowitz also masterfully highlights Trump’s staggering successes against all odds, from a booming economy to rebuilding our military, obliterating ISIS, making the U.S. energy independent, and more. And now, he reveals how Trump will become the “Architect of Revival” in the wake of the coronavirus, the man who can and will Make America Great Again. Everything you need to know about how and why Trump is going to triumph over the left in the upcoming election is detailed in the NEW BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win. Leftists and socialists are committing the greatest crime ever perpetuated against America by its own citizens. To understand why this is happening and how it happened, click here to get your personal copy of BLITZ — FREE. BLITZ is the MUST-READ POLITICAL BOOK OF THE YEAR! Hurry! Claim Your FREE Book NOW! |