From ADL Fighting Hate from Home <[email protected]>
Subject UPDATE: Webinar today on Georgia’s new Hate Crimes Legislation and the impact of local laws on the national fight for justice
Date July 9, 2020 12:28 PM
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Dear John,

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ADL&rsquo;s Fighting Hate from Home webinar today (7/9) at 2:30 PM ET/11:30 AM PT to discuss the historic hate crimes bill just signed into law in Georgia after two decades of hard work and tenacity, and at an inflection point on racism and bigotry in America. The webinar will share insights from former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes, Atlanta Journal Constitution statehouse reporter Maya Prabhu, Coca-Cola North America&rsquo;s Group Director for State and Local Affairs Gene Rackley and ADL&rsquo;s Southern Division VP Allison Padilla-Goodman, who was a lead advocate for the bill.

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Georgia Enhanced Penalties for Hate Crimes Act was passed with strong bipartisan support and signed into law on June 26. ADL leads the Hate Free Georgia Coalition, which played an important role in securing the law&rsquo;s passage and helping Georgia to become the 46th state with a state hate crimes statute.

This vital piece of legislation’s passage comes just months after the horrific murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Rayshard Brooks in Georgia. The law reflects 25 long years of struggling to shift the state&rsquo;s political landscape, and it now offers protections to people of every race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation and disability.

The enactment of this law may create new opportunities for ADL and our allies to secure hate crimes laws in the four remaining states without them &mdash; Arkansas, Indiana, South Carolina and Wyoming. It could also open doors for other legislative actions that secure justice and inclusivity for all.

During this
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Fighting Hate from Home webinar, join ADL, Gov. Barnes, Maya Prabhu and Gene Rackley to discuss the long struggle to get the law passed, its potential impact, and the tremendous work still ahead in Georgia and our nation to address injustice and bias.

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WEBINAR: &ldquo;Passing Georgia’s Hate Crime Law: How It Happened & What That Means&rdquo;

Thursday, July 9
2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 PM MT / 11:30 AM PT

Featuring Guest Speakers:

Gov. Roy Barnes: Georgia&rsquo;s Governor from 1999 to 2003, Barnes spent 25 years in elected office and more than 40 years in the practice of law. During his term, he concentrated on education, health care, and remedies for urban growth and sprawl. He was defeated for reelection in part because of his efforts to change the Georgia flag, which had featured a Confederate battle emblem. He was honored with the 2003 John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Profile in Courage Award for this political decision.

Maya Prabhu: Prabhu covers Georgia politics and government at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, with a focus on social issues, criminal justice and legislative politics. She previously reported for The Post and Courier in Charleston, S.C., where she also worked as a Statehouse reporter. In 2017 she won an investigative reporting award from the National Association of Black Journalists for her investigation of public safety concerns created when a state underfunds and understaffs its prisons.

Gene Rackley: Rackley is Coca-Cola North America&rsquo;s Group Director for State and Local Affairs. Coca-Cola is based in Atlanta and as a prominent voice in the region&rsquo;s business community, the company played a key role in the passage of the new law.

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