09 July 2020


North East: Smoking figure sees slight rise in Northumberland but health chiefs say battle goes on

North West: Wigan smokers told it's time to quit as hundreds of people die this year

Local budget cuts risk undermining efforts to tackle illicit tobacco


North East: Smoking figure sees slight rise in Northumberland but health chiefs say battle goes on

Smoking prevalence figures for 2019, published this week by the Office for National Statistics, show that 14.1% of people in the UK aged 18-plus smoked cigarettes – around 6.9 million people.

In Northumberland, the proportion of smokers last year was 12.9%, up from 12.1% in 2018, but this remained the lowest rate of the 12 North East local authorities, and have declined significantly having been as high as 18.1% in 2012. The county’s figure was not only lower than the UK rate of 14.1% – which fell from 14.7% the previous year – but also the English average of 13.9%.

Prior to these figures being released, a Northumberland County Council spokeswoman said: “Smoking rates continue to fall and the North East has seen one of the greatest declines in smoking prevalence despite hosting some of the regions’ most deprived communities.” She added: “Helping our residents stop smoking remains a top priority and we will continue to work towards our goal of making smoking history.”

Councillor Ian Hudspeth, chairman of the Local Government Association’s community wellbeing board, speaking prior to the data release about the importance of support for smokers to quit said: “Greater help is needed for those most in need of support, including routine and manual workers, pregnant women or people with mental-health conditions. Every pound invested by government in council-run services such as public health helps to relieve pressure on other services like the NHS, criminal justice and welfare.”

Source: Northumberland Gazette, 9 July 2020

See also:
ONS: Adult smoking habits in the UK 2019

PHE Local Tobacco Control Profiles

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North West: Wigan smokers told it's time to quit as hundreds of people die this year


Smokers are being encouraged to quit in a new campaign after it was revealed hundreds of people in Wigan have already died of smoking-related causes since the start of the year.

New figures suggest almost 2,400 deaths in Greater Manchester during 2020 were related to cigarettes. The call has become all the more pressing because smokers and those with tobacco-related illnesses are proving particularly vulnerable to the serious effects of COVID-19.

The findings have led NHS doctors from some of the most affected areas across the North of England to join together and make a powerful plea for people to stop smoking in a major new campaign.

Dr Ruth Sharrock, the respiratory consultant who features in the main TV advert for the campaign, said: “I particularly work with patients with COPD and lung cancer, so I see the terrible harms of smoking on a daily basis. It is devastating to watch patients and their families having to deal with such difficult diagnoses. Added to this, in the last few months we have seen the awful effects of Covid-19 across our hospitals and communities. Together this is a particularly deadly combination. It is never too late to see the benefits that come from quitting smoking.”

“I see some incredible success stories from patients who have been able to stop, despite considerable health issues already - they get a new lease of life and all wish they had done it sooner. You should never give up on yourself.”

According to analysis by King’s College London and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) of YouGov’s Covid-19 tracker, at least 300,000 people in the UK have quit smoking successfully, a further 550,000 have tried to quit and 2.4 million have cut down on the number of cigarettes they smoke due to concerns about coronavirus.

Until 31 October, smokers in Greater Manchester can get six months’ free access to the Smoke Free app when they sign up at smokefreeapp.com/GM, this has been proven to increase a smokers’ chance of quitting successfully. It has been scientifically proven to double a smokers’ chances of quitting and has already helped half a million people stop smoking.

Source: Wigan Today, 8 July 2020

See also:
Smokefree Action Coalition press release: Around 300,000 smokers have #QuitforCovid

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Local budget cuts risk undermining efforts to tackle illicit tobacco


Senior trading standards officers and politicians have warned councils are under-equipped to deal illicit trade, made worse by funding cuts due to Covid-19.

Speaking at an anti-illicit trade parliamentary group meeting on 7 July, Oxfordshire County Council trading standards officer Russell Sharland warned: “Local authority trading standards are frontline enforcers against counterfeit goods but since 2010 have seen a 50-60% of their budgets cut. Due to covid-19 local authorities are already reporting significant shortages in income, if this results in further cuts to trading standards this will undermine [efforts against the illicit trade].”

Evidence from the convenience market suggests a return of international travel could also drive a return of illicit tobacco sales, which stores claim was suppressed by the lockdown. This is despite an ASH/YouGov survey finding that 2.4 million smokers were cutting down their smoking due to health concerns about Covid-19.

An anonymous trading standards source said seizures of illicit tobacco had “reduced significantly” but said this was because “most departments ceased active inspections,” under lockdown.

However, trading standards departments that continued to operate reported that illicit tobacco sellers had continued trading throughout lockdown. Kate Pike, North West trading standards regional co-ordinator explained: “In Greater Manchester we have continued to seize lots of illicit tobacco during lockdown and the intelligence reports have continued to come in. The premises that sell illicit have been legally open and we have not seen a drop.”

Source: Better retailing, 8 July 2020

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