Let's get right to it: Have you voted yet?
Early voting for the party primary runoff elections is going on right now, but it ends tomorrow. And Election Day is next Tuesday.
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Yes, the biggest election ever is coming this November, but your preferred candidate and the issues they support may not even get there if you don't cast your vote in the runoffs. So let's get out and vote early before the polls close Friday evening. Or vote on Election Day on Tuesday.
We feel that being a voter means never taking an election off. Local, state or national — we encourage voting in *ALL* elections.
If you haven't voted already, I hope you will and wear your "I Voted" sticker as proudly as I do every time I vote!
See you at the polls.
In the fight,

Carisa Lopez
Political Director, Texas Freedom Network
P.S. Stay safe, wear a mask and pratice social distancing when possible.