Also: Thaler recommends ways to boost CUs' service to businesses in need; NAFCU Networks help tackle issues
NAFCU TODAY | The News You Need Daily.
July 9, 2020
NAFCU shares core recommendations on subordinated debt [ [link removed] ]
In response to the NCUA's request for comment on its proposal to allow low-income credit unions (LICUs), complex credit unions, and newly-formed credit unions to issue subordinated debt that operates as regulatory capital, NAFCU Wednesday expressed support for the proposal but urged the agency to reconsider the rule's complex procedural requirements that could discourage investors and issuers.
NAFCU recommends ways to increase CUs' service to women-, minority-owned businesses [ [link removed] ]
Ahead of today's House Financial Services subcommittee hearing examining the challenges that women- and minority-owned businesses may face when accessing capital and financial services during the pandemic, NAFCU's Brad Thaler offered support for the subcommittee's efforts to address these issues.
CUs work through issues impacting industry on NAFCU Networks [ [link removed] ]
NAFCU is proud to offer member credit unions exclusive opportunities to connect with industry professionals to develop strategies to grow, better serve members, and address issues impacting operations. NAFCU Networks are a go-to source to get insights into how institutions are adopting new practices and adjusting to changing regulations.
House subcommittee advances funding for CDFIs, CDRLF [ [link removed] ]
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Wednesday advanced its version of the fiscal year 2021 FSGG bill, which included $273.5 million for the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund and $2 million for the NCUA's Community Development Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF).
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