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Research by the Commission for Countering Extremism said groups of all kinds had been seeking to "breed hate" and spread conspiracy theories feeding into
their worldview.
Religious leaders have written to the equalities minister calling for the government to deliver its promised ban on so-called gay 'conversion therapy'.
People seeking asylum in the UK and Europe on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are routinely seeing their claims rejected because of a
widespread "culture of disbelief" and an "impossible burden of proof", researchers have said.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday barred teachers who work at church-run schools from filing discrimination lawsuits against their employers, ruling that the
Constitution's protection for religious liberty exempts church schools from state and federal anti-discrimination laws.
Christian anti-abortion lobbying organisations received millions in taxpayer-backed forgivable loans from the US government's coronavirus aid program, even
as lawmakers demanded the nation's largest abortion provider return federal loans.
The Welsh Government has published legislation to replace religious education (RE) with a more pluralistic 'religion, values and ethics' (RVE) subject.
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