Dear John --

Today I announced the framework for National’s Plan to get New Zealand Working.

During my speech to the Christchurch Chamber of Commerce I announced that our Plan will be based on five key pillars:

  • Responsible Economic Management
  • Delivering Infrastructure
  • Reskilling and Retraining our Workforce
  • A Greener, Smarter Future
  • Building Stronger Communities.

You can read my full speech here.

Our plan is comprehensive, holistic, and ambitious.

Over the coming months, and into August, I will be releasing the lion’s share of our Plan in a series of major speeches and engagements.

It is National’s Plan to Get New Zealand Working.

The last weeks have shown time and time again that the Ardern Government lacks a clear plan and vision for New Zealand. The bungles at the border, directionless spending, and a Health Minister that just wouldn’t quit, are all proof that we need change as a country if we are to navigate the challenging times ahead.

This is what sets National apart.

Our vision, our Plan and our direction for New Zealand will place jobs at the centre and deliver the results Kiwis need. We have a track-record that shows we do as we say and get the job done.

We know and understand what matters most to New Zealanders.

Over the next 72 days my team and I will be working hard to share our Plan with you and deliver a National Government following September 19th, and we need your help to do this.

Every little bit helps to push our message further and ensure every voter has the opportunity to hear our plan and understand why New Zealand needs a National Government.

John, can you chip in and help?

Click here to chip in $30

Click here to chip in $50

Click here to chip in $100

I’m looking forward to the next 72 days, and working hard to gain the trust and confidence of New Zealanders across the country as we outline National’s Plan to Get New Zealand Working. 



Todd Muller
National Leader

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