Green Party of Canada

If you are facing struggles and/or are in crisis, please seek help. There are people available 24/7 who would be happy to talk with you.

Hi Friend,

I hope you’re doing well. We are in a global health emergency...and a climate crisis...and in the midst of incredible social is your mental health in all this?

That’s what I want to talk with you about today. There’s no shame in struggling with your mental health and there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for help. I know personally the importance of taking care of my own mental health and how difficult it can be sometimes.

On June 11, the Green Party released Reimagining Our Future, a comprehensive plan for recovery from COVID-19. It focuses on 10 key areas of renewal and includes numerous calls to action for moving to a more reconnected, renewed and resilient Canada.

I see these calls to action as an opportunity to rebuild our communities with an emphasis on looking out for one another, particularly around our mental health and wellness. 

So many of us were dealing with anxiety, depression or trauma before - then the isolation and anxiety of the pandemic demonstrated how fragile our mental health really is. As we remain in this pandemic and eventually recover from it, we must take the mental health of all Canadians seriously. 

Evidence-based decisions on public health issues have been key throughout the pandemic, but we need to apply this standard to all public health issues, including the ongoing opioid crisis and especially in mental health care services.

We want to know if improving our mental health standards is a priority to you, both in the response to COVID-19 and going forward?

Yes, Mental Health is a priority for me

Knowing how important these issues are to our members helps us to focus on what matters to achieve your goals and serve all Canadians.

We know many factors can negatively and positively affect our mental health. That’s why we’re also calling for greater access to nature and green space, a Guaranteed Livable Income, universal childcare and much more. We want to make sure communities are healthy and resilient, now and for years to come.

We’re all in this together, and we need to take care of each other.

Sending you my best,

Jenica Atwin

Support mental health initiatives


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.