Rush a donation to Kim Olson and Serve America ahead of her runoff election on Tuesday!


All eyes are on Texas as we approach the next round of elections, on Tuesday, July 14th. Next week’s primary runoffs will feature some of the most-watched Congressional races in the country!

Our endorsed candidate Kim Olson is in a head-to-head runoff election after nearly winning her initial primary outright back on Super Tuesday. You’ve probably heard of her because she’s one of the most exciting Congressional candidates in 2020--but in case you haven’t, let us tell you a little bit about Kim.

Colonel (ret.) Kim Olson is a veteran and retired Air Force pilot with proven leadership experience and a legacy of service. Kim was one of the first women to fly and instruct in fighter-type aircraft, command an operational flying squadron, lead in multiple combat zones, and rise to the rank of Colonel.

After retiring from the Air Force, Kim led a non-profit to help female veterans get back on their feet by ensuring equal access to care. An advocate for education, she was elected to two terms on a North Texas school board and worked as head of HR for Dallas ISD. As recognition for her service to others and commitment to women’s empowerment, Kim was inducted into the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame.

Kim is running for Congress to provide the representation Texans, and Americans across the country, deserve from their leaders. She represents the kind of leadership that we need right now and will have the integrity, accountability, intelligence, and composure to make a big impact on her first day in the House of Representatives.

But, team, right now Kim’s campaign is facing millions of dollars in outside spending and negative attack ads. Unaccountable Super PACs and third-party groups have lined up to try and take her down in the final days of this runoff election, and she needs our help. Can you rush a donation right now of $10 or more to be split between Kim Olson and Serve America?

Kim is going to have our back in Congress. But right now, more than ever, she needs us to have hers.

Thank you for whatever you can give!

Serve America