John --

I sounded the alarm last week that all of my Democratic primary opponents are “red-boxing,” which means they are openly signaling to super PACs how to support their campaigns through red boxes on their websites.

My old boss, Denny Heck, took a no super PAC pledge (like the one below) when he first ran for this seat in 2012 -- and I’m calling on my opponents to do the same.

Will you add your name in support? My opponents need to hear from voters about the influence of dark money in WA-10:

Since the Citizens United decision in 2010, super PACs can collect unlimited contributions and spend them without disclosing donors.

This practice warps elections by focusing on negative attacks and issues voters don’t really care about. But more importantly, this unlimited dark money is bad for democracy, and bad for America. It continues to advantage the wealthy and well-connected over the interests of working families.

It would mean a lot if you, John, would sign our pledge to stop the super PACs. Can you do that today?

