
I know it feels like these fundraising pushes get longer and longer, but we have to do everything we can to keep up with Mitch McConnell’s mega-donor network. So in a minute, I’m going to ask you to add a critical donation to my campaign. But first, I’d like to explain why...

Here’s the truth:

Republicans are throwing the kitchen sink at us right now. Trump attacks me and props up my opponent on Twitter. GOP groups recently launched a $9 million attack blitz — including a new attack ad this morning — while outspending us nearly 3:1 on the airwaves. And we’re up against a serious cash-on-hand disadvantage.

So our campaign has set an ambitious $75,000 mid-month goal to fight back. This is our first fundraising deadline since securing the Democratic nomination and you can bet Mitch McConnell is looking for any sign of weakness the GOP can exploit to tear us down.

The only way we can reach this goal is with a whole lot of grassroots donations from people like you. Both because I refuse to take money from corporate PACs, and because we’ve canceled our in-person fundraising during this pandemic.

So, here’s my personal ask to you:

Will you make a contribution of $10 or more today to ensure we have the resources to defend our campaign as we enter the next phase of this race? Democrats cannot flip the Senate without turning Colorado blue:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Right now, we are doing well in the polls, and the pundits believe this race is the Democrats' best chance to flip a Senate seat. If we can build on our grassroots energy these next couple of days, I believe we will win this election.

Thanks for stepping up today.

— John