Virtual Dole Series on Leadership Conversation
July 15, 2020
2-3 p.m. ET

Five years ago, the death of Freddie Grey and his treatment at the hands of police in Baltimore sparked historic protests and unrest. In his new book, Five Days, Wes Moore explores the uprisings in Baltimore through eight distinct perspectives, examining critical questions about the deeper causes of violence and poverty. Today, the killings of several African Americans at the hands of police officers has generated unprecedented international protests and has brought new attention to the critical issues of systemic racism and inequality. 

Mr. Moore will discuss his book and how lessons gleaned from the life and death of Freddie Gray and what happened in Baltimore can shed light on this moment in history. In addition to being a combat veteran, best-selling author, and social entrepreneur, Mr. Moore is the CEO of Robin Hood, one of the largest anti-poverty organizations in the nation. 

The Bob and Elizabeth Dole Series on Leadership features in-depth conversations, film screenings, and book lectures to help our country better understand what makes for effective, strong leadership across a variety of institutions.  This Dole Series Conversation is sponsored by Kathleen K. Manatt, Michele A. Manatt and the Anders-Manatt Family, the Bill & Susan Oberndorf Foundation and Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock. 
In light of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, BPC events have shifted to all remote formats, such as video teleconferences or calls. 
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