Friend —
We’re checking in because the last records we pulled showed that you haven’t submitted your response to our sex education survey. We’re counting on you to show Washington’s GOP that comprehensive sex education in our schools has the public’s support.
If you have submitted your response already, you’ve taken the right step forward. If you haven’t had the time yet, here’s a quick link to follow and submit your response:
Thank you,
WA Senate Democrats
This is urgent, team.
The Washington GOP just took another big step forward in their fight to stop our comprehensive sex education bill.
Last month, they took our Democrats to court in an attempt to block the bill — despite polling in our state showing overwhelming support for the issue.
Now, the referendum to repeal this bill has officially qualified for the ballot.
Republican leaders in Washington are wasting taxpayer money trying to push this referendum through without public support behind them. Do you agree the GOP should stop wasting taxpayer money on their attempt to block important programs for Washington’s youth?
This expensive effort comes at a time when our state needs money for crucial economic and healthcare recovery efforts.
Not only that, the Washington GOP is completely out of touch with what the people want.
What have they not acknowledged? 89% of likely voters in the US believe sex education is important to have in middle school, and 98% believe it’s important to have in high school.
So we need to show them where Washingtonians stand. Our survey will not have enough data without your input — please, submit your response now.
Providing our children with the tools they need to lead a healthy and safe life should not be up for debate.
Your response will send a strong message — thank you!
— Nilofar Ganjaie
Political and Communications Director | Washington Senate Democrats