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How Can NHCEH Help to Meet Your Training Needs?

One of the goals of New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness (NHCEH) is to provide professional trainings to providers in all sectors on best practices in supportive services to people experiencing homelessness and related challenges in New Hampshire.

Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the format in which trainings can be offered is changing. NHCEH would like your input on the most effective ways to deliver trainings to you.   We appreciate you taking a moment to complete this quick survey and provide us with your feedback on the format of future professional trainings offered by the NHCEH. If you could take a moment to complete this quick (less than 2 minutes) survey and provide us with your feedback on the format of future professional trainings offered by the NHCEH. 

Thank you for supporting NHCEH!
Our mailing address is:
122 Market St.
Manchester, NH 03101

P. 603.641.9441
E. info@nhceh.org

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